WOD 7 Workout of the Day
August 18
1) Heavy squat
2 reps ein
80% of 2 rep max, Then increase by 2.5%sqtspt it easy and increased by 5lbs after a solid warmup
2) 4 Sets
a) 1:00 hand stand
b) L sit for max time
rest 1-2 minutes between
L sits** From the ground, from rings, from your butt: Raise your legs off the ground (straight, or bent for modified) as to put your body in an L position, keeping a strong core and holding for as long as possible.
3 rounds for time
1) 400 m Run
2) 15 toe to bar
3) 10 front squat
**Toes to bar: While hanging from a bar, bringing your feet to the bar your hands are grasping. There is a particular rhythm that you can and will acquire. If that's tough, then hang and bring your knees to your chest. If you have shoulder problems, or this is too tough... then full straight leg raises while laying on the floor.
August 19
Honestly Can't remember the whole thing. That's what I get for not writing everything down the day I do it...
1) EMOM everyminuteontheminute 8 minutes
- 5 quick Hang cleans
2) EMOM 5 minutes
- 3 Heavy power clean pulls (105% of power clean max), just the very beginning of the movement
3) In 12 minutes, 4 sets of....
- 10 heavy RDLs
- Max rep pullups (any form you're heart desires)
I really don't remember what it was...
I really don't remember what it was...
August 20
"Conditioning Day"
1) Every 4 minutes for 4 rounds
a. 400 m sprint
b. 5 Push presses (155)
c. 10 lunges (with same weight as above) (155)
d. 10 Lateral box jump overs
2) 10 Rounds for time
a. 100 m sprint
b. 5 burpees
c. 5 Toe to bar
d. 5 squat to wall ball high toss
(13:14... it was a friggin doozy)
August 21
1) Take 15 minutes to work up to your heaviest:
(1) Power clean, (1) Hang clean, (2) front squat (#225)
2) 4 rounds
a. Bar humps/pelvic thrusts
b. 4 high box jumps
a**while lying on ground, keep feet flat on floor with knees bent, put bar across pelvis, thrust bar straight up by bringing pelvis straight up and squeezing butt towards top to bring torso into a flat plank.
For time
Reps/set: 12, 9, 6, 3
1) Power clean (175)
2) Ring dips
August 21
1) 5 sets
-20 sec hand stand, right into MaX hand stand push ups
-rest 2 minutes, throw in squat jumps or pistol squats
2) in under 7 minutes
-30 muscle ups/half muscle ups/chest to bar pull ups / pull ups
-30 ring dips
400 m run
10 toe to bar
10 hand stand push ups
600 m run
12 burpee box jump over
12 pistol squats
800 m run
14 toe to bar
14 hand stand push up
600m run
16 Burpee box jump over
16 pistol squats
400m run