August 10
Warmup: Empty and transport 100 sandbags!! You can totally come to my house if you are having a hard time finding some...
12 minutes
1) Hang snatch (1-2 reps, 5 if going light)
-Work up to do at least a few sets at about 90% of your 1RPM
2) Between sets: Various dynamic leg movements
ex: Jumping knee tucks (5), Quick squats (15), Single leg squat jumps (5 each leg), skater/lateral jumps (5 each leg)
1) Thrusters 21-15-9-6-3 (115, 125)
2) Jumping knee tucks, full Squats 10/set
3) Muscle ups 7-5-5-3-3
--or at least attempted (full, chest to bar pull ups) orrrr just regular pull ups, assisted, with a band, etc
My time? Either 5:32 or 6:32
August 11
Take 12 minutes to rip out 6-7 sets of:1) Physioball DB press. 5-7 reps (80, 90, 95, 100x2, 80)
2) KB single leg RDL
-single arm, single leg. alternate between doing same side and opposite side. slight knee bend. Tight core, solid back, looking straight ahead through the entire motion. On a box to get the full extension, unless you lack the flexibility..
5 rounds, for time yo!
1) 10 dips (did mine with a straight leg raise after doing a dip)
2) 10 KB lateral lunges (70, 53)
3) 10 Bent over, DB rows (#65)
4) 10 Jump over bench burpees
2** While holding a kettlebell at your chest, laterally lunge as to attain almost a 90* angle between your thigh and the ground. Keeping your head up, chest up, knee no further than your toes, and dropping your butt down.
3** In a slight bent knee, lunge position, with your torso at a 45*angle to the ground, do dumbell rows by bringing the dumbells straight back, bringing your shoulder blades together.
4** Start facing a bench, or box, errr whatever, burpee-->jump over--> face bench-->burpee-->repeat
August 12
6 sets of front squats- 3-6 reps (225, 235, 245)
If you're anything like me, you'll find something else to do between sets...
21-15-9 type of deal..
6 Snatches (135)
7 Cleans (155)
8 Deadlifts (155)
6 Muscle ups
7 Chest to bar pull ups
8 Strict pull ups
then continue to do...
4, 5, 6 of the same exercises
2, 3, 4 of the same exercises
For Time!! 7:42
I did combine some of my muscle ups to more chest to bar pull ups... not quite good enough to rip out that many muscle ups AFTER all the previous exercises
August 15
De-Sandbagging time!!!
You better believe I turned this into a high intensity workout ;)
- 1/2 mile run
- 3x12 toes to bar (playground!)
- 3x12 half muscle ups
- 1/2 mile run
- Empty and transport 50 sandbags
- 7x 40 yd dash (uphill)
- Right into 10 burpees
- Time this combo. Sprint up hill, do burpees, jog down and immediately start again
- Took me 6:02
- 50 more emptied and transported sandbags
No sandbags? well there is plenty here. Don't want to help out? Find a rock, kettle bell, plate, dumbell and pretend like you're lifting a sandbag from the ground and putting it a wheelbarrow, then grab some kettlebells or dumbells and pretend like you have a couple hundred pounds of sand that you're transporting and walk a good 50-100 ft. That should suffice!!
August 14
Started the day off with a 7 mile hike with a buddy.
16 minutes, Every other minute
1) Bench (Reps: 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 10) @3 reps, #275
2) Half Hang clean motion (heavy)
-From the beginning of the hang clean set up, practice the beginning motion of a hang clean with heavier weight than you would normally do a hangclean. Shrugging shoulders back while bringing shoulder blades together. Can be done relatively quickly. Concentrate on the explosive, synergistic motion.
16 minutes, Every other minute
1) Bench (Reps: 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 10) @3 reps, #275
2) Half Hang clean motion (heavy)
-From the beginning of the hang clean set up, practice the beginning motion of a hang clean with heavier weight than you would normally do a hangclean. Shrugging shoulders back while bringing shoulder blades together. Can be done relatively quickly. Concentrate on the explosive, synergistic motion.
5 Rounds for Time!
1) 5 Hang Cleans (#145)
2) 10 Tall box jumps
3) 15 scorpions
4) 40 mountain climbers (band resisted!)
1) 5 Hang Cleans (#145)
2) 10 Tall box jumps
3) 15 scorpions
4) 40 mountain climbers (band resisted!)
August 16
Split Snatch
- 8 sets
- 2 reps each side
In between sets: work on other random things.
5 sets, for time
- 7 thrusters
- 7 front squats
- 10 KB high pulls
- 14 toe to bars
KB high pulls: Start with both hands on the KB handle and the KB between the legs. Take a half squat, explode up while bringing the KB to your chin. Make sure to a)not knock your teeth out b) keep your shoulder blades retracted when bringing the KB up. gotta protect those shoulders. Most of the effort to get the KB up will come from the legs, very little arms involved
Toe to bars: You can also just hang from a bar and bring your knees to your chest.
August 16
Another Outdoor workout
- 1/2 mile run
- 3 sets of:
- 12-15 3/4 muscle ups
- Monkey bars (anyway you want, i did lateral walks while holding a pike position)
- 10 Picnic table jumps
- 3 sets of:
- Hanging pike holds (long as possible, for a total of ~45 sec)
- 10 skater jumps
- workout of your choice (i did something i dont even feel like explaining)
- 1/2 mile run
- 30 burpees
- 6-8 hill sprints (30-40 yards)
- 30 burpees
August 17
Long, easy warmup. Slow, isometric stretches. 1-2 minute jump rope sessions in between
1 minute on, 20 sec off
16 minutes
TABATA TIME!!1 minute on, 20 sec off
16 minutes
- Double unders (jump rope)
- Kettlebell swings
- Plank
- Burpees
- Double unders
- Kettlebell high pulls
- Standing sit ups
- Hamstring curls
- Burpees
- Double unders
- Butterfly situps
- Hovering over the ground push up holds
- Side to side wall ball slams
- Hand stand hold
- Explosive quick squats
- Double unders