Superfoods to Keep On the Counter


Of the million and one uses for coconut oil, I think I can finally claim one as my own... guitar string lube. yes. try it. and if you don't play guitar, try both.

Coconut OIL

Things I use it for DAILY::

Oil pulling~~

Body Lotion~~


Hair product~~

Cooking oil~~

Baking oil~~
Shot o' ENERGY~~  Brain/body fuel. Intermittent fasting

Coffee~~ Bulletproof coffee..

What kind to buy?

Organic, cold-pressed/filtered, unrefined. Basically, you want the real deal to get the maximum benefits.
          -->I get mine from Costco. By far the best deal, hoping it really truly is legitimate.

Coconut oil uses from others::

Potentially NOT beneficial as a daily lotion, for some

FLAKES:  Awesome to put in my chia seed puddings, make a nut mix with, snack on (as hard as I try to hold back).  Roll truffles in, sprinkle on other treats, salads, you name it, give er a try!

I think they taste best when you keep them in the fridge!

Coconut Milk

Wait, so what's the difference between milk and water?? There's two liquids in the same shell??? 

The Aqueous part is a part of the endosperm of the coconut.  Whereas milk is obtained from collecting the liquid from the grating process of the endosperm (hopefully without the addition of water or any other additives).  

It's loaded with good fats, some protein, and has a viscosity that makes desserts, puddings, smoothies, curry dishes AMAZING.  

Study on the chemical and biological properties of coconut- for you nerds like me out there.

Coconut Water:  

They actually IV this stuff in some countries, it's my drink of choice if I'm going to re hydrate.  True coconut water that hasn't been processed (converted to syrup for packaging, then water is added after shipping before packaging), is LOADED with a great ratio of

  • -Electrolytes that are everso sought after by athletes and fitness junkies.  Mg, Na, K, P, Ca
  • Phytonutrients
  • Inorganic ions
  • Enzymes 
  • Phytohormones (such as cytokinins--shown to have anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, anti-thrombotic effects)
  •  Combination of compounds to induce an alkalizing effect. 
So put down that sugar infused Gatorade, it's just an impostor.  BUT make sure you are getting a coco water worth spending money on... aka not one that's own by Pepsi or Coke (ONE, Zico, Naked etc).  These may be pasteurized, made from concentrate, crap added like sugar, "natural" flavors, and you'd be supporting companies that have absolutely ZERO interest in your health, along with the rest of the world and have probably lobbied against things like GMO food labeling and put even more toxic things in their other products to dish out to others.

The Healthiest Coconut Water

100+ Uses!!

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Another great thing to have out in the open, as you'll use it throughout the day.  

What I use it for DAILY:

~Fermented drink

~Shot before dinner

~Salad dressings


~Filled with beneficial bacteria, enzymes, acetic acid, antioxidants

~Improved digestion

~Bowel movement

~Normalize intestinal flora


~Immune support

~Improved insulin response and blood sugar control

~Carcinogen reducer (when cooking)

~Weight loss, just a side effect of inducing a healthy environment

~Cardiovascular health--> reduce blood TG, oxidization of LDL, blood pressure

~Cancer control and reducer

~Improved skin health



Most of these are all related in terms of just creating a healthy environment within your gut.  If you stabilize/normalize the bacteria in your gut, your body will function better on MANY levels.  Your gut bacteria play a role in thousands of physiological functions. It's worth googling :)   If you heal the tissue along your gut, you'll absorb nutrients more efficiently, your immune system will not be as taxed from the constant onslaught of foreign substances entering your blood and lymphatic system.  Your immune system is incredible, as it was developed to be!  When taking the stress of this system, more energy can be diverted to other much needed areas. ACV will aid in digesting proteins, breaking them into their amino acid, or peptide components, allowing for better processing and utilization of these crucial substances that make up so many critical components of our body.. like growth hormone which aids in breaking down fat, leading to desired weight loss and that physique you're looking for!  Just as an example.  One day I'll rant on this topic.

Many desired results that people seek should just be a side effect of establishing a healthy lifestyle that supports a healthy body.

Should have the "Mother," which is a concentrated population of gut friendly, health promoting bacteria that turns the alcohol (from the fermentation process) into vinegar.

Worthy sites to check out:   (had to throw this is, US News.. impressive)

Chia & Hemp & Flax Seeds 

Oh yea, can use these babies on/in all sorts of things.  

Loaded with fiber, protein, trace minerals and nutrients, and especially a healthy dose of omega-3 FAs.

~Chia Seed pudding BOOM
~Smoothie booster
~ Sprinkle on salads
~Sprinkle on desserts
~Can use chia seeds as an egg substitute in baked goods
~Food bulker and sticker togetherer
~Throw in your pizza crusts or homemade crackers/chips

Cheapest at Costco! 

CACAO Nibs and Powder

A serious superfood.  

Some of the highest anti-oxidant properties of any food source out there. (10x the ORAC value than even some of the most notorious fruits!)

Throw er on your chia seed puddings, smoothies, basically the basis of any chocolate tasting dessert, throw in your own trail mix... get creative.  I'll have plenty of recipes with cacao without a doubt!

**Be sure to buy cAcao, not cOcoa..   Big difference.  Cacao is the real deal if you're looking to reap all the benefits from this incredible bean.

The one I just purchased


What more do I need to say?  This absolute superfruit is loaded with healthy, healing fats, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.  Keep these babies around for all sorts of great uses. 

What I use them for weekly! 
  • On top of... 
    • Salads
    • Meats
    • Fish
    • Egg dishes
    • RAW cheese
    • etc 
    • etc
  • In smoothies and desserts

Annnnnd thank you again Mr. Mercola... I really don't intend for this blog to ever take the place of any of the websites of others that i get much of my info and 
inspiration from.  Just spreading the message!


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