WOD :: Workout of the Day 1


My workouts are synthesized by the influence of my college and junior hockey training, crossfit gym posts, friends (especially Dean Peters!), spontaneous ideas, and MaxT3.

These are nothing more than my interpretation on what will give me an awesome workout for the day, based on my own philosophies on the most efficient and beneficial way to exercise.

Every workout starts with a rather strenuous functional, dynamic warmup.  I really try to vary what I do to really maintain and improve my athleticism, as well as provide myself with a multitude of neurally stimulating ; both neuromuscularly and cognitively movements using various modalities.  Get creative and push yourself to improve in speed, strength, and coordination.

I'll have another blog post to go more in depth on my philosophy behind what I believe is the optimal way to exercise.  Any form of exercise is better than none, and I would never stigmatize ANYONE for exercising in a particular way, as long as it's something they truly love to do and fully believe it is giving them not just the results they desire, but believe is establishing true health.

Abbreviation Key
EMOM= every minute, on the minute.   
AMRAP= As many rounds as possible
KB-------> Kettlebell 
DB-------> Dumbell 

And to make sure you are getting the highest quality supplements that your body requires.  


Most products on the shelf are filled with... junk.  Toxic, synthetically derived chemicals that are not just worthless for you, but can be potentially harmful.  If you're going through all the trouble to workout, why not put the best possible nutrients in your body and get the best gains, from every aspect.  Whole plant based, organic, non-gmo, no weird additives/fillers, no soy, no caseins, no gluten, no junk.   And we're all unique, as your mother told you.  So take a research based, personal assessment to see what your body needs!   You're not tied down to anything, so you might as well find out.

July 8th

~dynamic movements with dynamic/active stretching
~7 min  sprints utilizing multiple movements


1) Bench:
Reps: 10, 8, 4, 3, 12               (205-245-185)
2) Explosive leg to calf raise on power sled  (yea, a machine, i know)
-in between bench sets

12 min EMOM     (Every Minute on the Minute )  

1) 8 KB swings
2) 5 Burpees
3) 8 V-ups

*Used 72 lb KB
** If you're anything like me, you like to change things up, so I mixed in full sit ups/push throughs

July 7th

 ~8min of basic dynamic movements and stretches.
             --> 5 min of sprints. Utilizing hills, short and long distance.  30-45 sec active rest inbetween.
             --> 3 rounds::  "box" jumps n whatnot (I used a picnic table and bleachers)  10 strenuous jumps.  
                                     24 toe taps.  10 pushups (I put my feet on the picnic table and did more of                                                     handstand pushups.

Main show:
---5 sets----For time----but with a 45s to 1 min break btwn sets

1.  DB snatch to lunge       5 reps, each arm, starting from ground.    Finish with 3 lunges on each leg.                                        

2. Pistol squats                 5 each leg.            

3. 14 pull ups                                            

4. 8 Long jumps

1* 5 reps, each arm, starting from ground.    Finish with 3 lunges on each leg. (using other dumbell)                                                 I used 70 lb DB.  push yourself.
2*Get to 90 degrees, straight above your head.  use kettlebell if you're truly a BAMF
3*    I did 6 weighted (hung a #35 KB from my foot), and 8 free pull ups

Finished with a couple different sets of various shoulder exercises and flexibility exercises

July 6

Warm up

Heavier with 2 minute rest btwn sets
1) DB overhead press (while in 1/2 split squat position)
2) Single leg explosive jumps
-one leg on box, 10x /leg

1* #65

The Show
AMRAP 16 min

1) 5 thrusters
2) 7 hang cleans
3) 10 dead lift to high pull

*** 3** after first two sets, switched to dead lift to bent over row
(forgot how many sets i got in, woops)

July 5

Yes, the day after the 4th, this took some real willpower...

1) Mile interval run
2) find a swingset
-10 pull ups
-10 hanging, feet to bar
-10 picnic table jumps
-15 feet elevated pushups

3) 1/2 run
4) find hill
-20-30 yard sprint to 10 burpees
       Repeat x5

July 4 

Ok, maybe had a little fun.... 

July 3

--Build up to 3 rep max    (8, 6, 3, 3)

16 minutes
--go hard, but rest 45s after sets
1) 3 position clean  (from ground, shins, above knee)
2) 20 wall ball throws
-starting from squat, exploding and throwing ball as high as possible against wall, catch, repeat)

July 2

5 Sets, As fast as possible. 45 sec break btwn sets

1) Bench 10-8-6-6-4
2) Dumbell step up (5x each leg)
3) 14 Bosu pushup
4) 10 KB Swing

2** #55
4** #72

2 sets:
        cable crossover (chest) tricep dips and pull downs w/ab crunch,  mtn climbers with band on feet

July 1

Dog turns 17!  Holy frick

Forgot everything besides the main show::

 Reps for each exercise: 15, 11, 9, 6   
For Time!!!

1) MANMAKERS   (#45 dumbells) 
2) Standing sit ups
3) Hand stand
4) Pull ups

1** manmakers= start in pushup position, holding core tight and keeping hips down.  while holding DBs. Push up, to row on one side, another push up, row other side, pushup and spring to feet, stand up then curl to press.  Yes, it has an appropriate name. 

2) rock onto your back and bring knees to chest, fling entire body forward and get to a standing position.  works best to throw arms forward and point in the direction you intend to go. Bring feet close to butt, just a touch further than shoulder width. 

3) 3 hand stand pushups, then Hold handstand for 45s.     Modify:: Hold for 30 or 20 sec, or upward dog position   


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