Abbreviation Key
EMOM= every minute, on the minute.
AMRAP= As many rounds as possible
KB-------> Kettlebell
DB-------> Dumbell
EMOM= every minute, on the minute.
AMRAP= As many rounds as possible
KB-------> Kettlebell
DB-------> Dumbell
Warm up: Get yer sweat on!!
The Show:
5 Rounds, For time, with 45s rest between sets
1) 6 DB front squat to press
2) 15 Dips
3) 15 KB high pulls
4) 20 Split Squat jumps (first 2 sets), 20 quick squats (last 3 sets)
Band work for shoulders
Hand stands (try to actually balance without the wall. Try on a flipped over bosu ball, why not!)
July 10
Recovery day, stay active!!July 11
Ouch. I can owe this one to Chanhassen xfit, passed to me by an old friend
1st :: 10x2 reps each exercise1) Squat::: Butt to bench. slow down, explode up. (#305)
2) Bench::: Same idea (#245)
1) Zercher squat :: 3x10 (#135)
2) Incline DB press w/DB touching all the way (elbows in)::: x5-6 (#75)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsccqQGcZX8 zercher
AMRAP (As many rounds as possible, bitches) in 15 min1) 4 power clean to front squat (155x5, 145x2)
2) 15 hand release pushups
3) 14 sideways jumps over bench
4) 8 pull ups
(7 rounds)
JuLy 12th
1) Snatch-build to 3 rep max (8, 6, 3, 3, 6) (#115, 135, 145, 115)
2) Wall ball high toss X 20
5 Rounds as fast as possible
1) 5 Handstand Pushups -->hold HS for 30s
2) 8 DB burpees (#65)
3) 20 Reach to the sky, full sit ups
4) 8 DB bent over row (#65)
July 13
July 14
Warm up:: Include hill sprints, hill jumps, and more hill stuff. ALL sorts of hill stuff. as weird as you can getStrength:
1) DB chest press on physio ball (10,8,6,4,4,10)
-I started like i was in a flat bench position, then the last 2 sets I moved down as to simulate an incline
(#80, 90, 100 flat. 80, 70 incline)
2) Hanging knee raises 10X btwn sets
- While hanging from pull up bar, I had #35 KB hanging from both feet. 5 Reps. Next 5 were hanging leg raise with no weight
12 min AMRAP
1) 20 Single arm, KB Swing (#53)
2) 10 Explosive, alternating grip pull ups
3) 5 Hang clean (#145)
4) 12 Jump over bar burpees
July 15
Warmup: Get it. Hill jumps, zig zag shuffles/sprints , spiderman crawls down hill, weird stuffStrength:
1) 5 each leg: DB box step up (#55)
2) 5 Push press (#145)
1** Warm up with various single leg exercises. Last set, drop weights and do 5-8 explosive single leg, step up jumps using box
4 rounds as fast as possible
1) 10 Bent over row (#145)
2) Walking lunge w/overhead plate hold (#45) 8 each leg
3) 1 min plank
4) KB curl to press 7 each arm (#35lb)
repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. BOOM. done. stronger, healthier, and more mentally tough.
good work.
July 16
Would have done things a bit different, but wen to a Xfit gym with some high school friends..Strength.
1) Strict overhead press
3 reps @ 75%
3X4 @ 85%
2) I had to change things up bc of my scary bad shoulders..
the original: 2 push press, right to behind the back jerk
mine: 2 push press right to 2 split jerks (starting with the bar in the front)
3 rounds, as fast as possible of...
1) 20 KB swings (#72)
2) 20 Wall ball (#20)
3) 40 Double unders
3 minute rest
1200m run. Ours included HILLS! damnit
Total time para mi: 12:51 (including break)
July 17
"Light day" NOT slow.
Get outside damnit. lather up in coconut oil. you look good. you look strong. you're healthy and getting healthier by the day. strut it.
Find a playground, without too many kids..
or some equivalent
~3/4 to a mile run, whatever you're feeling.
~Get a good, long active warm up and stretch in. Breath deep. enjoy the outdoors
~soak in some sun, get that hormone D working for ya. release some endorphins, today is a great day.
Quick sets:
A) 10-15 Explosive pull ups
B) 2 legged hops up a hill (About 10, then try to cover the same distance in 9 in following sets)
A) 10 Feet to Bars
B) Skater jumps up the same distance as the hops
A) Monkey Bars--> Start in a half pull up position, bent knee raise to parallel, walk yourself laterally from one bar to the next, starting at one end and making your way down to the far end and back, or until failure.
B) 10 Half muscle ups---> Quickly:: start from straight arm position on a lower bar (just above head height or lower), give yourself as small of a jump as possible to finish out the entire muscle up. (by getting to a dip position and fully extending up).
C) 10 Picnic table jumps
A) Practice hand stands
B) 30-40 yard sprint (i did hills)