WOD 3: Bigger, leaner, faster, stronger.
People have also asked for/about....
What do you take before a workout?
Why the ___ don't you eat before a workout?
Where do I start? In your kitchen
What do you take before a workout?
Why the ___ don't you eat before a workout?
Where do I start? In your kitchen
Abbreviation Key
EMOM= every minute, on the minute.
AMRAP= As many rounds as possible
KB-------> Kettlebell
DB-------> Dumbell
July 18
Holy tits
1) Deadlift
2) 20 Ski jumps over bench
-single leg, lateral jumps. 2 sets quick, 2 sets controlled (deeper squat to explosive jump over)
---can modify to a smaller box, or draw a line in the sand
---can modify to a smaller box, or draw a line in the sand
1) Bench
2x8 (205,215)
2x4 (235, 245)
2) 8 DB Row (#70)
-I used an incline bench that I layed prone on.
3 rounds of 2 different exercises. 2 min TOPS between the different groups of exercises. For time you world changers
a. 8 Hang clean to front squat
b. 15 straight leg raises
-I did this while on the bench, holding an isometric bench press hold, using the same weight I ended my bench press sets with (245).. Just hold the bar straight up while doing a straight leg raise, bringing your legs to the bar. Stay in control. Back off on the weight if you've never done this.
a. 10 burpee to pull up
b. 20 hamstring curls using physioball
-Try to make the burpee to pull up all one fluid motion. As in, try not to pause after the burpee before going into the pull up.
a. 20, 15, 10 Explosive pushups
-I used a med ball. With one hand on the ball, explode up and pass the ball to the other hand.
b. 20 Knee tucks using physioball
-while holding a plank, push up position, bring ball and knees into your chest.
July 19
Warmup: the usual dynamic warm up, but added several bear crawls.. to really fire up the shouldersWorkout del Dia
Don't underestimate this one...
24 Thrusters (115)
12 Power cleans (175)
24 Pull ups
Took me about 9:30, although I did go pretty heavy on everything.. feeling a bit ambitious. Slowed me up quite a bit.
Finished with various ab and shoulder exercises
July 20
July 21
Warm up:
- Dynamic stretch
- Sprints
- forwards
- backwards
- 10 quick squats--->sprint
- 5 explosive squat jumps--->sprint
- side shuffle
- icky shuffle
- Forward-->sideshuffle--->forward (repeat, shuffle opposite side)
- Forward--->drop to pushup position and shuffle laterally-->pop up and sprint
- Jumps
- 12x both feet (high box/object) X2
- 12x Single leg
- Starting with one foot on box or object-->explosive single leg jump up. driving opposite knee vertically towards chest
- One set facing box
- One set parallel with box
- For hockey players: on some sets, do not use arms to provide momentum. We don't have the luxury of using our arms in many situations on the ice. Really concentrates explosive movements from the hips.
1) DB bench
-Flat: work your way up to 4-5 rep max (80, 90, 95, 100 ran out of weights so I did it twice!)
-Incline: Keep DB together, bring slowly down to chest while squeezing DB together. (5 reps @#75)
2) Alternate between
a) Turkish get ups (3 each side)
b) Muscle ups (modify by starting with a lower bar and using your legs to assist you up )
21-15-9-6 (As fast as possible!!! Woooop)
1) Kettlebell Goblet squats (#70)
2) Scorpion push ups
3) Full sit up w/med ball wall ball or partner throw (#20)
4) Burpee to long jump (10 of these after EVERY round)
Youtube turkish get ups and goblet squats. They are well known exercises, so most videos should do.
Apparently there are a million ways to do a friggin scorpion pus up, any form will be beneficial.
-The way I was first taught: Start in push up position, full pushup, twist to the right so that your chest has opened up to the right side, bring your right leg behind your left in a bent knee position to support your weight as you bring your left leg into the air and touch your toes with your right hand. Then start over and do it the other way. Then try to get in a rhythm and rip them out quick!
Sit ups: start with your feet a few inches (or more to make it more challenging, I did at least a 1.5 ft) while lying on back with med ball behind your head. do a full sit up while bringing the med ball with you and throw it against the wall, catch, repeat.
Burpee--->long jump
Drop to a pushup position, full push up, bring your feet between your hands, and as you stand up, get into a jumping position and immediately explode forward and far as possible. Then right back into a pushup position.
July 22
Gym closed???!!! NBD
Intense warm up
Sprints of all different forms: look at yesterdays for some examples
More jumps
More sprints
Then got nutty on the playground, just ask the poor children who had to witness it...
Toes to bar
Burpee to pull up
Flag holds
hand walks between bars
straight leg raises while holding btwn bars
hand stands
hand stand pushups
Just get weird with it.
July 23
Warm up (Practice some hand stands!!)
8 Sets
1) 2 Split jerks
-Work your way up to a 2 rep max within 8 sets (not including a warm up)
-(115, 135,145,155,175)
2) 7 Front squats
-Immediately transition into front squats. Really concentrate on your technique here, especially towards the last sets.
Strength WOD
3 rounds, For TIME
1) 10 Single arm DB snatch
-5 each arm, starting from ground (#70)
2) 10 Overhead KB lunge
-KB in each arm, arms Ears between your arms, arms extended vertically (#35)
3) 10 Single are DB snatch (AGAIN! muahahah)
4) Side lunges
-DB at sides (#40)
5) 10 Bent over row (#175)
July 24
Find a moderately steep hill
1) Pace out about 40 yards
10 Mind testing sets
a. Sprint 40 yds
b. Drop into 10 burpees immediately
c. Walk/jog back down and take off again.
2) 1/2 mile jog
Jungle gym, make sure the mothers are fine with you there... and maybe keep a shirt on..
3) 4 studly sets of
a. 10-15 pull ups (change up grip)
b. 10 half muscle ups
(start with a lower bar--just above your head. Minimally use your legs to jump up and thrust yourself up into a full muscle up position. Come back down and immediately explode into the next rep.)
3 sets of
a. 10 toes to bar
b. 10 frog jumps (up hill)
c. 5 hand stand push ups to hold
4) 1/2 mile run
I simplified these, as I tend to do all sorts of weird things. But this sums its up and gets the point across.
July 25
To legitimize your weekend shennanigans...
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes
a. 3-5 Deadlifts (305, 275)
b. 5 bar facing burpees
(jump over bar, 180, burpee, jump over repeat)
2) Every 1.5 minutes
a. 5 Bench press (#225)
b. 5 pistol squats (each leg)
4 rounds, for time
1) 4 lunges (with bar in front squat position) (135)
2) 5 Hang cleans (135)
3) 10 over-the-bar burpees