CoCo-Mint Toothpaste
Quite simple
Yet an incredibly powerful concoction to revitalize the health of your teeth, gums, and environment in yer mouth!
Yet an incredibly powerful concoction to revitalize the health of your teeth, gums, and environment in yer mouth!
Whatcha gonna Need:
- Small glass jar w/lid.
- 1tsp Aluminum-free baking soda (add a tsp once you get use to the... effect it has on the palate...)
- 1/3c coconut oil
- Essential Oils: High quality in terms of source, potency, and purity. Therapeutic grade. Distilled to retain the powerful compounds that deem EO's some of the most physiologically active substances known.
- Peppermint.
- Tasty, yet beneficial add-ons: Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit.
- Optional (although I don't do it)
- Drop of liquid stevia
Mix er Up!
- If the coconut oil is in its solid state.. GENTLY heat the oil on the stove, or place jar w/coconut oil in a warm water bath.
- Mix in baking soda.
- Add ~8 drops of peppermint
- Add ~2 drops of orange, lemon, or grapefruit if desired.
- Mix really well.
- ENJOY your own, homemade, toothpaste!!
If your house is below 75deg or so, the mixture will harden up again. I take the back of my toothbrush to scoop out a chunk and put it in my mouth where it will instantly melt. Swish for a few moments, Then brush away!
I won't get into it here, but coconut oil has an incredible amount of benefits. Topically, orally, internally.. you name it. Sources may be listed.. eventually.
- Try oil pulling.. Take a scoop of coconut oil, on an empty stomach in the morning, swish in your mouth for 10-15 min, spit out, rinse out, and watch your teeth shine, and gums heal. It's been around for ages, obviously there's something to it.
Lastly. Please, do not go out and purchase some cheap oils online or at the store. They are powerful substances, so you truly do want the best to reap the benefits, and protect yourself from harm. There are a few good companies out there. DoTerra.. YoungLiving.. for example. I'm sure you know someone by now that sells them, so help them out! Neither Amazon nor Whole Foods need your help!