28 Days to Transform YOUR Health
It's time
To Reach those goals
Surpass those goals
Maintain those goals
There are DOZENS of 'health' challenges out there. You want to make changes in your life, you would like some direction.. but what direction do you head?
- Truthfully, most of what is out there is... JUNK! No surprise there. Whether it's the advice, process, incentives, etc. The person trying to improve their health suffers with confusion, misguided advice, and wasted money.
- What I have set out to do, is provide people with REAL information on the simple TRUTHS that dictate health, and how easily it is to attain through empowering YOU on the essentials of health.
Get your transformation started
- This challenge will be completed on your time, through your determination, purpose, and commitment to making the changes you need and want to make.
- All resources will be provided via email and social media!
- We believe in providing the best resources possible. If that means we have to create our own shopping lists, recipes, instructional videos, workouts, etc. GOOD, we love to get the truth out! If that means we send you resources from other experts in their respective field, GREAT! You deserve to hear it from the best of the best.
If you want to get started now, please, let me know and I'll hook it up!
and I'll personally send you everything you need to get started :)
First: Determine your commitment level.
- Watch from the sidelines?
- Develop your 'War Plan'
- Follow general nutrition guidelines
- Include high quality IDNutrition and IDTransformation Goodies
- Take the free, individualized assessment here 😊 My Essentials- Your free assessment
- Toes wet?
- All of the above
- + sample exercises
- Sample recipes
- Post progress
- Divin' in
- War Plan
- Shopping Lists and Tips
- Intermediate and Advanced plans
- Consistent exercise schedule with AT LEAST 3 days of MET CON
- Detox practices
- Motivation, inspiration, goal planning, goal achieving
- Personal coach!
Why are we providing $100's worth of materials and resources for FREE?
- It's quite simple. This challenge will be mostly your drive and commitment to become a healthier, more vibrant YOU. My associates and I will soon be Doctors, and will continue down this path of empowering others to take responsibility for their own health. Upholding the true definition of 'Doctor'; TEACHER.
- All of the info that we will provide is not simply our rendition on what it takes to be healthy; they are simply principles that govern health and healing. We were just nice enough to put it all into simple terms and action steps for you :)
- The biggest incentive we have... is to break down the destructive paradigms that your mainstream 'health experts' have put in to place. Changing this system that has lead our country to shambles in terms of health is quite good enough! And through this change, seeing the transformation of countless lives and families will be unavoidable and rewarding.
Get involved:
- Lite Challenge
- Basic
- Full Challenge
- Products to give your body a jump start.
Let's Keep it Simple eh?
- If you want to get healthy, then you better understand what health really is.
- Medical industry:
- Wait until you have an issue. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurological/vascular/endocrine/musculoskeletal issues, pain, etc etc.
- Cover symptoms with... drugs, surgery, just 'deal' with it.
- Vitalistic Perspective (what we believe!)
- If you do have symptoms, acute or chronic. Let's get to the CAUSE of the problem! Fix the cause, restore function, restore health.
- If you don't have a problem.. GREAT. Yes, prevention is key. But boring. Why not strive to attain a level of health to THRIVE?? You will not want to turn back once you know how good it feels, to feel really flippin' good!
- Mindset, rest, stress
- Nerve supply
- Nutrition
- Exercise and movement
- Toxins
- These are all essentials to health. Every single one needs to be addressed, none can be ignored, and you will attain an optimal level of health.
- We will provide you with resources to tackle every one of these! Little by little, but it will quickly add up and make a significant impact.
The Commitment
- The journey to health is ever-lasting. Duh! Making it stick is the tricky part..
- So getting there through simple steps, week by week, can engrain lifelong habits that you will learn to love. There will be slip ups. That's OK! Being persistent will get you where ever you want to be in life.
28 Days
- Receive 1 email per week with everything you'll need.
- Shopping lists, meal plans, recipes, tips n tricks to detoxify your lifestyle, motivation, goal setting, exercise plans.
- Everything YOU need to succeed, and to do at your own pace.
- Post your thoughts/results/goofy pics to social media once per week to win some bombdigity stuff! And to hold yourself accountable, if you don't have an accountability partner.
- Instagram:: @Impactchallenge #IMPACTCHALLENGE #IDME
- Facebook:: Impactchallenge
One day, there will be a price tag on this challenge, but for now...
- the challenge is FREE. If you stay committed!
- $50 to join. $50 back if challenge is completed. If not, $50 donation to charity.
- Find an accountability partner
- give them $50
- tell them to hang on to it for 28 days
- Hold yourself accountable, and if you checked off all the action steps we provide and stayed committed...
- You tell them to donate the money to a GOOD charity
- Or treat them to a healthy dinner, fun night out, etc
- Or get your money back (lame...)
Get your transformation started
More on my take of what IDLife is all about
Dr. Charles Majors could not be more spot on!!
In this new year, if you truly want a new you, the focus should be different than all previous years. In fact, more than 90% of New Year’s resolutions fail. There are countless reasons, excuses and events that will be blamed for this failure, but all of them have a common origin … the person making the resolution. Einstein defined “insanity” as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So this year, with the most popular resolution being to lose weight, why don’t we try something just a little different.
Instead of focusing on the result, focus on the cause. In other words, too many people fail in their goals for the new year because they focus on the result of their decisions rather than the decisions themselves. Make 2016 the year of education and personal development. Focus on the six inches between your ears to effect the forty inches around your waste, not the other way around. The results you will achieve will be unbelievable and will last a lifetime.
-Mark Bennett, IDLife COO