Your Go-To Salad

I make a salad on most days, and NO I don't get sick of them!  I'll never have the same one, to say the very least! Constantly adding, subtracting, and continually doing new things every time!  That's how you can assure you'll never get bored with it, but will constantly be nourishing your body with awesome RAW foods. It's an easy thing to prepare and bring for lunch & a perfect way to ensure you are fueling your mind, body and soul with something great!


 I'd rather have nutrient dense food, loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients that will ultimately lead to you achieving your health goals; without a side of pesticides, herbicides, and foreign proteins while supporting an ethical cause. I guarantee you save money by going to your local farmers market!
  And Ideally things that are in season!

I like to eat my raw foods earlier in the day, which provides a ton of energy as raw foods tend to be easier to digest. This also includes avoiding meats (you really don't need as much protein as you think!)  I also try to stay away from consuming too many sugary things earlier in the day, like fruits and starches. If I do have these things, I'll try to use those more at night when your body is in a state that can better digest and utilize these nutrients.

There are definitely ways to get creative with your dressings.  And they're easy! I have completely given up on getting dressings at stores as the vast majority are made with something I would never put in my body, the legit ones are stupidly expensive, and mine are better anyway! And so will yours.


  Usually just a different blend of white or dark balsamic, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar.

  • I will typically do 2:1:1 ratio of these.  Make sure your olive oil is fresh as it will lose many of its awesome healing properties.  And your ACV is raw, unpasteurized, and organic!  

The add one, all, or some of the below and shake er up!

  •  Fresh lemon or lime
  • Freshly chopped garlic
  •  Turmeric
  •  Pepper
  •  Basil, rosemary, tarragon, etc.

Your Masterpiece

Things to throw in!
Veggies on Veggies   annnnd maybe a little fruit. maybe.

  • ~Every leafy thing you can get. Mix it up.
  • ~Cucumbers
  • ~Radishes
  • ~peas/pea pods
  • ~Peppers
  • ~Carrots
  • ~Sprouted nuts: walnuts, shaved almonds
  • ~Seeds: hemp, flax, pumpkin
  • ~Organic sprouts
  • ~Fermented veggies - sauerkraut (maker yer own! Easy and tasty) 
  • ~Beets
  • ~Red onion
  • ~Avocado
    •  (sometimes I'll mash the avocado in with the lettuce before adding everything else. Do it)
  • ~ raisins, cranberries, blueberries, or strawberries
  • ~ Granny-Smith apples
  • ~Jicima
    • pretty tasteless, but gives a nice texture
  • ~Raw cheese 
    • (I personally like sheep and goat cheese. There are some theories as to why these are easier to digest, which has worked for me!  Try Manchego for starters. But you really can't go wrong)
  • ~Soft boiled, free-range, healthy hen egg(s)
  • ~Hummus
    •  (make sure you read the label!! look for ones made with ONLY olive oil.. not canola or 'vegetable oils', soybean oil)

One more hint... Get inspired by other pictures, recipes, etc and whip up your own creation! 

And Of course... Dessert!

More on:

  • Fasting, structuring what to eat, when.  


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