Finally Caved in... doTerra!

It's official. Finally invested in a line of essential oils... and couldn't be more excited! I will only settle for top, top quality. Especially when it comes to oils.

Ill be posting more eventually!  Here's a link to check em out.

Really cool website that discusses the sourcing behind doTERRA products.  

Some decent info

Beyond organic and other info

Business building and other resources

dōTERRA Oil Chemistry Wheel


Cancer Killing Power House!!
"According to Robert O. Becker, M.D., the author of the book, “The Body Electric”, “The human body with its electrical frequency can determine a person’s health.” According to Nikola Tesla’s findings, we would have greater resistance toward disease if you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies. Also a German Dr. called Otto Warburg who was a two-time Nobel Laureate and winner of the Nobel Prize for cancer research managed to discover that human cells have an electrical voltage."
  • "Certain frequencies can prevent the development of a disease. Other frequencies on the other hand can even destroy the disease, so diseases of lower frequency can be destroyed by substances of higher frequency."
    "Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils usually start at 52 and go as high as 320 MHz! For example: Frankincense 147 MHz, Helichrysum 181 MHz, Rose 320 MHz, Ravensara 134 MHz, Lavender 118 MHz, Angelica 85 MHz, Myrrh 105 MHz, Sandalwood 96 MHz, German Chamomile 105 MHz, Peppermint 78 MHz,  Juniper 98 MHz"
  • "The main destroyers of the breast cancer cells are considered to be thyme, cinnamon, jasmine and chamomile oils. Chamomile kills up to 93% of the cells. Thyme oil is even more effective and has managed to lead to 97% kill rate of the MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
    According to another study published in the journal Industrial Crops and Products, chamomile oil harnesses powerful antioxidant properties. The research included evaluation of 11 essential oils. The Roman chamomile is ranged as highest antioxidant oil!"
  • 'Shuail claims that frankincense is so powerful that it separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.
    Frankincense oil is abundant in monoterpenes and compounds which possess the ability to help eradicate cancerous cell as the onset of their development, but also their progression stages. That’s why this oil is ideal for those who discover their cancer regardless of when it’s found."

Skip the anti-biotics


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