WOD 12
1) Tabatta Time!
- 0:20s on 0:10 off
- Deadlift (#185)
- As many reps in 20s as possible. Hold bar at top of movement for 10 sec. repeat.
- Yes, your forearms will be on fire. And eventually the rest of your body.
- Maintain good form throughout!!
- Count the total amount of reps (Me: 68)
- Every time you drop the bar::: subtract 5 reps
2) WOD
- 30 "American" Kettlebell swings (full swings, up and over the head) @53lbs
- 9 wall-walking hand stands.
- 30 KB swings
- 30 burpees
- 9 wall-walking hand stands
- 30 burpees
For time! (10:58)
Wall-walking hand stands:: ---> Start facing AWAY from the wall, with your feet up against the wall. Keeping your core tight, inch your way up the wall, using your hands to push your body up the wall until your belly touches the wall, then inch back down. Yea, NOT easy.
1) Work up to 3 rep deadlift max
1) Work up to 3 rep deadlift max
- Take 16-18 minutes to do so
- #405 (1 rep max @430)
2) Chest to Bar max reps
w/band pull a-parts (3x15)
~~~For Time
- 100 double unders
- 21-15-9 of....
- Deadlifts (#225)
- Hand-stand-pushups
- 100 double unders
(10:57 w/strict HSPU)
~~~ This is meant to be a sprint! 12 minute time cap, go all out!
Day 3
40 Minute Partner AMRAP
- 12 Deadlifts (#315)
- 25 Handstand pushups
- 12 Front Squats (#185)
- 25 pull ups
- 12 Hang power cleans (#185/155)
- 25 toes to bar
~~~Split up work however fits best. Don't move on to the next exercise until previous exercise is complete.
1) Work up to a 3 rep, touch and go, power clean. (Try to not pause at the bottom)
2) 3x3 Clean pulls @ 110% of clean max
paired w/45sec wall-facing handstand holds
- 3 cleans (@~80% max) ~~#175
- 5 strict handstand push ups
- 7 toes-to-bar
Day 5
1) 15 minute EMOM
--- 4 rep heavy front-squat (#225)
- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
- Overhead Squat
- Bar facing burpees
1) Work up to a 3 rep max back squat
2) Work up to 3 rep max bench press
- 30 Thrusters (#135)
- 40 Pull ups
- 50 Burpees
- 600m Row
3 minutes to complete each. 1 minute rest between exercises. Keep track of total time to complete each set. Add on 1 sec to 3 minutes for ever rep not completed.