why eat ORGANIC??
Just the beginnings of a Draft, but some good links if you're interested in learning more!
Wait, you don't want synthetic laboratory created toxic chemicals to riddle your food? Pesticide residues to be on the "healthy:" things you eat? The food you eat to be genetically altered to produce their own herbicides, and biochemically resemble something that our bodies have never, and do not respond to? Yea, me neither, but for some reason these foods have dominated our crops and store shelves for years, and now it has finally become a hot topic. bout time!
You've finally committed to changing your life around and have discontinued your habitual stroll down all the aisles of the grocery store, picking up anything in a box with ingredients you can't pronounce. Maybe you're giving the farmers market a try! When it comes down to being healthy, it's really pretty simple, so why make it so damn hard?? Establishing health will ONLY have positive side effects. No guessing. No worries. No problems.
The organic industry has BOOMED in the past decade, mostly for good, some in it for the money, but regardless, people are waking up and seeing how our market driven society has a sickening hold on our food. Every step of the process; from seed to your stomach. Or factory to your stomach..
Researchers found that organically grown crops contain anywhere from 18-69% more antioxidants and 10-100 times less pesticide residue. When plants aren’t sprayed with synthetic pesticides, they typically produce higher more phenols and polyphenols to protect themselves. These compounds have been found to play a powerful role in boosting the immune system.
Girls revealing school experiment
Takes 50 years to degrade
Estimated to be in 75% of the world's soils now
A Patent that could Destroy Monsanto
From WEBMD!!!
Learn what GMO food Scientist Arpad Pusztai thinks about GMO food safety. Arpad was the lead researcher of the UK GMO potato- when science results did not meet the pro GMO UK Tony Blair likings he was fired.
Full interview:http://oneradionetwork.com/health/from-the-archives-dr-arpad-pusztai-the-dangers-of-genetically-modified-foods-october-21-2011/
Birth defects that were covered up by the gov't!!! Disgusting
Mom's across America
Study retracted.. game changer
Dr. OZ!!
How much pesticide we consume
Some of the good:
Humans as an Experiment, as put by a renowned geneticist
Foods the experts won't eat
5 most toxic foods
YEs, this is in your food...
Effect of glyphosate on gut health/overall health
Link to chronic disease
Link to accumulation in mother-fetus
Study on the link between glyphosate and Chronic disease
w. Cancer
Monsanto's Dirty Creations
Disgusting what's happened in Argentina::
Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy soul
Yes, even your spices
Connection to Mood
Neil Young!!
Cool Videos
10 Nasty Fast Food Facts
Really? No evidence out there? Just open your mind, for a couple minutes and see the big picture on this issue. It'll be uncomfortable at first, but you will not turn back after deciphering the truth for yourself!
Case for a GM-free, Sustainable World
---Awesome Resource!!
Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerantgenetically modified maize
"Biochemical analyses confirmed very significant chronic kidney deficiencies, forall treatments and both sexes; 76% of the altered parameters were kidney-related.In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5 to 5.5 times higher.Marked and severe nephropathies were also generally 1.3 to 2.3 times greater. Infemales, all treatment groups showed a two- to threefold increase in mortality,and deaths were earlier. This difference was also evident in three male groups fedwith GM maize. All results were hormone- and sex-dependent, and the pathologicalprofiles were comparable. Females developed large mammary tumors more frequentlyand before controls; the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sexhormonal balance was modified by consumption of GM maize and Roundup treatments.Males presented up to four times more large palpable tumors starting 600 daysearlier than in the control group, in which only one tumor was noted. Theseresults may be explained by not only the non-linear endocrine-disrupting effectsof Roundup but also by the overexpression of the EPSPS transgene or othermutational effects in the GM maize and their metabolic consequences."
- Great discussion and background to read as well!
Case for a GM-free, Sustainable World
---Awesome Resource!!
Monsanto Benefits Hand Over Fist From Tax Dollar Subsidies
Wait, you don't want synthetic laboratory created toxic chemicals to riddle your food? Pesticide residues to be on the "healthy:" things you eat? The food you eat to be genetically altered to produce their own herbicides, and biochemically resemble something that our bodies have never, and do not respond to? Yea, me neither, but for some reason these foods have dominated our crops and store shelves for years, and now it has finally become a hot topic. bout time!
You've finally committed to changing your life around and have discontinued your habitual stroll down all the aisles of the grocery store, picking up anything in a box with ingredients you can't pronounce. Maybe you're giving the farmers market a try! When it comes down to being healthy, it's really pretty simple, so why make it so damn hard?? Establishing health will ONLY have positive side effects. No guessing. No worries. No problems.
The organic industry has BOOMED in the past decade, mostly for good, some in it for the money, but regardless, people are waking up and seeing how our market driven society has a sickening hold on our food. Every step of the process; from seed to your stomach. Or factory to your stomach..
Researchers found that organically grown crops contain anywhere from 18-69% more antioxidants and 10-100 times less pesticide residue. When plants aren’t sprayed with synthetic pesticides, they typically produce higher more phenols and polyphenols to protect themselves. These compounds have been found to play a powerful role in boosting the immune system.
Girls revealing school experiment
Pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals galore!
Our Current State
"In the last century, nearly 75% of our agricultural crops have disappeared. They're simply gone. Today, farmers primarily grow 12 crops. And of these, we mainly eat potatoes, rice, corn, and wheat."
"So what gives? Why the huge shift? In part, the shift has a lot to do with seed regulation. Back in the day, farmers would save seeds from year to year and share them with friends and neighbors. But nowadays, most seed production is controlled by big companies — and those companies patent their seeds, prohibiting things like seed saving or sharing."
Why Make the switch??
- The avg American eats nearly 2,000 lbs
- 630 lbs of dairy products
- 185 lbs of meat
- 141 lbs of sweeteners (42 lbs of corn syrup!!!)
- 197 lbs of Wheat and grains
- 415 lbs of veggies (majority coming in the form of corn and potatoes.. )
- 273 lbs of fruit
- 85 lbs of fats
The history behind GMO (genetically modified organisms) is quite interesting, and there are some great books out there to get the entire run down if this is something that interests you. After reading from many sources, watching various interviews, and even going to a conference by Jeffery Smith (author of Seeds of Deception), I will avoid GMO at all costs.
Do GMOs Accumulate Formaldehyde and Disrupt Molecular Systems Equilibria?
- Regardless of your beliefs behind human existence, we are not meant to consume foods that have been chemically altered or processed from their natural state. In no possible context can the idea of ingesting food that your body does not recognize can be remotely right, in any way, from any angle other than the monster food companies making money. A mouthful, but this is my blog.
- The toxins, foreign proteins or food substances,
- Some cereals have been found to contain 70 DIFFERENT type of pesticide residues... holy
- Glyphosate residues, on top of other toxic residues, can lead to the destruction of your gut lining, leading to a multitude of deleterious effects: crohns, leaky gut, irritable bowel, food sensitivities, systemic inflammation, etc etc.
- There is currently 46 million pounds of 2-4D, a herbicide used on GM corn, is used EVERY YEAR on crops. It's essentially the same thing as agent orange...
- SIGNIFICANT correlation to the exponential increase of over 20 chronic diseases. (p<0.000001)
- Can't control spread of GE foods. Found that crops several miles away can be affected through the spread of pollen.
"Since glyphosate was introduced in 1974, 1.8 million tons have been applied to U.S. fields, and two-thirds of that volume has been sprayed in the last 10 years.
A recent analysis showed that farmers sprayed enough glyphosate in 2014 to apply 0.8 pounds of the chemical to every acre of cultivated cropland in the U.S., and nearly 0.5 a pound of glyphosate to all cropland worldwide.1 "
"“Senior Monsanto scientist, Dan Goldstein, even recentlystated(1) ,
"“Senior Monsanto scientist, Dan Goldstein, even recentlystated(1) ,
“If ingested, glyphosate is excreted rapidly, does
not accumulate in body fat or tissues,
and does not undergo metabolism in humans. Rather, it is excreted unchanged in the urine."Pesticides
- Came from the defense industry that were developed by the Germans in WWII.. from nerve gas. Changed up the chemicals slightly and devised a formula that targeted insects. Organophosphates came into the picture.
- DDT and other chlorine containing pesiticides were used in the 50s-60s and have half live's of decades (to develop a "protective barrier in future crops") how friggin stupid.
From Mercola.com
"Monsanto's own research supports the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determination that glyphosate is a Class 2A "probable human carcinogen" — a determination Monsanto is now trying to get retracted. Other research has shown glyphosate may:
- Stimulate the growth of human breast cancer cells10
- Have endocrine-disrupting effects and affect human reproduction and fetal development11
- Induce oxidative damage and neurotoxicity in the brain12
- Modify the balance of sex hormones13
- Cause birth defects14
Pesticides 'cost double the amount they yield', study finds
""Tripling organic farms by 2030 would cost €1.85bn per year - less than the annual subsidies being spent on pesticides," a group of researchers connected to BASIC wrote."
Great Overview of Glyphosate
The Public Health Ramifications of GMOs and Herbicides
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance
Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Sep;59:129-36. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2013.05.057. Epub 2013 Jun 10.
Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors.
Do GMOs Accumulate Formaldehyde and Disrupt Molecular Systems Equilibria?
Effects of Glyphosate Exposure on Sperm Concentration in rodents: A Systematic review and meta-analysis
Weed Science 48(1):89-93. 2000
Effect of glyphosate on soil microbial activity and biomass
Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases†
Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerantgenetically modified maize
Histopathological study on the effect of rice herbicides
on grass carp (Ctenopharyngodan idella)
Transcriptome profile analysis reflects rat liver and kidney damage following chronic ultra-low dose Roundup exposure
- http://www.ehjournal.net/content/14/1/70
- A distinct and consistent alteration in the pattern of gene function was found in both the liver and kidneys of the Roundup treatment group.
- A large number (over 4000) of genes were found to be either increased or decreased in function, with many (over 1300) being affected in both organs.
- These changes in gene function were consistent between animals and were highly statistically significant.
- A computational (‘bioinformatics’) analysis of the alterations in gene function linked these changes to numerous biochemical systems involved in regulating gene expression, respiration, and disturbances in fat metabolism.
- The alterations in gene function were consistent with fibrosis (scarring), necrosis (areas of dead tissue), phospholipidosis (disturbed fat metabolism) and damage to mitochondria (the centers of respiration in cells).
- These changes correlate with and thus confirm observations of pathology made at an anatomical, histological (microscopic cellular) and blood/urine biochemical level.
- The glyphosate equivalent dose of Roundup administered in this study was half that permitted in drinking water in the European Union and Australia, and 14,000 times lower than that permitted in drinking water in the USA.
- The amount of glyphosate-equivalent Roundup consumed by the animals on a daily basis was many thousands of times below the regulatory set safety limits of glyphosate alone in all regions around the world.
- The observed liver and kidney pathologies may have arisen from glyphosate, the adjuvants present in the Roundup formulation, or a combination of the two.
- The mechanism by which the Roundup induced this heightened pathology is unknown, but given the extremely low dose at which these effects are observed, this could be through endocrine (hormone system) disruption.
Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate
Signed by hundreds of doctors
http://www.i-sis.org.uk/pdf/Glyphosate_research_papers_compiled_by_Dr_Alex_Vasquez.pdf- http://www.i-sis.org.uk/pdf/Glyphosate_crop_interactions_reviewed_by_Dr_Don_Huber.pdf
http://www.i-sis.org.uk/pdf/Glyphosate_crop_interactions_reviewed_by_Dr_Don_Huber.pdf - A Roundup of Roundup® Reveals Converging Pattern of Toxicity from Farm to Clinic to Laboratory Studies
Folic Acid and Glyphosate
Synergistic Toxicity
- Every country in the EU has refused to fortify their foods with folic acid (annnd most refuse to adopt GMO foods/widespread use of RoundUp or glyphosate)
- Some wicked cool info here
Really cool tool!
And lots of resources
- Shows what types of pesticides can be found on certain types of foods
- Branches in 100 countries
- "The founder of Monsanto was John Francis Queeny and he started Monsanto with the capital money her earned from Coca-Cola in 1901. In 1902, Monsanto sold its first product called “Saccharin” (the artificial sweetener) to Coca-Cola Company."
- FDA started inspecting meat in the early 20th century. Monsanto and other large companies were, and still remain exempt
- During WW2, Francis Queeny (Founder-1905) couldn’t import chemicals from Europe and stared manufacturing its own chemical products. In 1929, Monsanto went public and became the largest producer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
- In 1935, Monsanto gets involved in detergents and soap production and by 1938 Monsanto becomes largely involved in plastic business. From 1939 to 1945 Monsanto did a lot of research on enriching uranium for Manhattan project.--nuclear technology.
- In 1945, Monsanto used its warfare chemicals in agriculture and by 1955 Monsanto's assets were increased by 50%.
- From 1961 to 1971 Monsanto was involved in production of Agent Orange for military use during the Vietnam War. More than 4.8 million Vietnamese civilians were contaminated with Agent Orange. About 400,000 Vietnamese died as a result of Agent Orange and millions including children suffered from disabilities and birth defects.
- By 1972, the use of DDT was banned by congress so in 1973 Monsanto developed glyphosate
- In 1994, Monsanto released rBGH and rBST growth hormones into the market.
- In 1995, Monsanto's genetically modified canola oil was shipped to Canada.
- 1997, Monsanto bought other seeds companies and was dominating the market with its new genetically modified seeds known as GMO canola, GMO cotton and GMO corn.
- From 1997 to 2002 Monsanto became too big to fail and they spent more than 10 billion dollars worldwide to buy seeds companies.
- Based on Monsanto’s claims Roundup is environmentally friendly and biodegradable, however in 1997, Monsanto was sued for calling Toxic Roundup 'environmentally safe'.
- Today, Monsanto is the world largest seed company dominating the global seed market. In 2001, Monsanto owned 91% of GMO crops worldwide.
- aka glyphosate
- Originally developed as a 'descaling agent' to clean out mineral deposits in pipes. Makes sense as it is has unique chelating properties whereby it binds to minerals. Think of the implications of using glyphosate on crops/soils, and within the human body...
- Affects the mechanisms that control cell division
- Was registered in 2010 by Monsanto as a antibiotic. Wait, I thought antibiotics were something we d
- "Glyphosate has been implicated in human carcinogenesis by IARC and it is remarkable that, as early as 1981, glyphosate was noted to be associated with pre neoplastic changes in experimental mice.""Glyphosate is a "probable human carcinogen", as now confirmed by the WHO Working Group, and no matter what protestations may now come from Monsanto and the EPA, they have been fully aware of its potential to cause cancer for at least 35 years."
Takes 50 years to degrade
Estimated to be in 75% of the world's soils now
- Classified as a 2A carcinogen
- Banned in many, many countries
- Cancer
- thyroid, liver, kidneys, pelvic region, gut... all significantly inc with round-up ready crops.
- Chelator
Buying local is by FAR the best option. Now for some tips on preparation of your goodies!
The majority of our food industry, and virtually all of our processed foods, are controlled by a select few companies. Same goes with the pharmaceutical industry, and even in the "nutrition" industry. You have to have YOUR health in your hands, not in the hands of these massive money-driven giants that could care less about you and your health.
Monsanto Controls both the White House and the US Congress
No Matter Who Wins the Presidential Election Monsanto Benefits
Photographer: Jasper Juinen/Bloomberg
Monsanto accused of hiring army of trolls to silence online dissent – court papers
EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study
- "The Environmental Protection Agency official who was in charge of evaluating the cancer risk of Monsanto Co.’s Roundup allegedly bragged to a company executive that he deserved a medal if he could kill another agency’s investigation into the herbicide’s key chemical."
Seeds of Death
GMO Poison-Ticking Time Bomb
The World According to Monsanto
Cool connections made throughout the video
Awesome Study!!
The majority of our food industry, and virtually all of our processed foods, are controlled by a select few companies. Same goes with the pharmaceutical industry, and even in the "nutrition" industry. You have to have YOUR health in your hands, not in the hands of these massive money-driven giants that could care less about you and your health.
A little comic relief
A Patent that could Destroy Monsanto
From WEBMD!!!
'Safe' Insecticides Tied to Neurobehavioral Problems in Kids
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/876681?src=soc_fb_170307_mscpedt_news_peds_pesticides#vp_2Overview of GMO products/history/health effects
http://eatlocalgrown.com/article/13395-are-gmos-making-you-sick.html?c=ngrLearn what GMO food Scientist Arpad Pusztai thinks about GMO food safety. Arpad was the lead researcher of the UK GMO potato- when science results did not meet the pro GMO UK Tony Blair likings he was fired.
Full interview:http://oneradionetwork.com/health/from-the-archives-dr-arpad-pusztai-the-dangers-of-genetically-modified-foods-october-21-2011/
Mommy's n Babies
Birth defects that were covered up by the gov't!!! Disgusting
- http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/government-agents-gave-cover-roundup%E2%80%99s-birth-defects-2
- http://www.anh-usa.org/half-of-all-children-will-be-autistic-by-2025-warns-senior-research-scientist-at-mit/
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/217265343/Glyphosate-Testing-Full-Report-Findings-in-American-Mothers-Breast-Milk-Urine-and-Water
- "
- 2015 Study
- http://www.bellybelly.com.au/breastfeeding/toxins-in-breastmilk-6-things-you-need-to-know/
- http://www.jfmpc.com/article.asp?issn=2249-4863;year=2014;volume=3;issue=3;spage=188;epage=190;aulast=Grover
Detection and traceability of genetically modified organisms in the food production chain.
Overview of uses of various GM crops
Along with potential risks associated with different species
Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada.
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21338670
- Pesticides associated to genetically modified foods (PAGMF), are engineered to tolerate herbicides such as glyphosate (GLYP) and gluphosinate (GLUF) or insecticides such as the bacterial toxin bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between maternal and fetal exposure, and to determine exposure levels of GLYP and its metabolite aminomethyl phosphoric acid (AMPA), GLUF and its metabolite 3-methylphosphinicopropionic acid (3-MPPA) and Cry1Ab protein (a Bt toxin) in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. Blood of thirty pregnant women (PW) and thirty-nine nonpregnant women (NPW) were studied. Serum GLYP and GLUF were detected in NPW and not detected in PW. Serum 3-MPPA and CryAb1 toxin were detected in PW, their fetuses and NPW. This is the first study to reveal the presence of circulating PAGMF in women with and without pregnancy, paving the way for a new field in reproductive toxicology including nutrition and utero-placental toxicities.
There is currently no regulatory limit for the amount of glyphosate in breast milk anywhere in the world. However, the EPA has set a legally enforceable maximum contaminant level (MCL) for glyphosate of 700 ug/l in drinking water, which is 7,000 times higher than the MCL in Europe.Monsanto and regulatory bodies worldwide have based all of their regulations on the assumption that glyphosate is not bio-accumulative..
- yet... there are studies that show glyphosate builds up over time, and is found in places such as breast milk!
Study retracted.. game changer
- Just.... don't do the farmed stuff..
I may have a crush on this 14 year old
Dr. OZ!!
How much pesticide we consume
The Business Behind the Industry
"Spinning Food" How food industry front groups and covert communications are shaping the story of food.
Quick video on GMO labelinghttp://edgytruth.com/2015/03/07/an-easy-way-to-inform-all-the-non-believers-what-a-gmo-is/#
GMO Promises Fall Short
- GM crops do NOT lead to higher yields and reduced pesticide use
- Dismantles these arguments
- http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/business/gmo-promise-falls-short.html?_r=0
Spinning Food Report
http://webiva-downton.s3.amazonaws.com/877/3b/f/5992/FOE_SpinningFoodReport_14.pdf- “Major packaged-food companies lost $4 billion in market share alone last year, as shoppers swerved to fresh and organic alternatives,” wrote journalist Beth Kowitt in her Fortune article.1
- $126 million spent by 14 food industry front groups that often appear in the media as independent sources but are funded by and serve the interests of the industrial food sector. Six of these front groups have launched just since 2011
- More than $600 million spent by four major trade associations — CropLife America, BIO, Grocery Manufacturers Association, and the Executive Summary Friends of the Earth • Spinning Food 5 American Meat Institute — that promote and defend the agendas of pesticide, biotech and conventional food corporations
6 Tactics used by these companies addressed in this report
- • Deploying front groups who appear to be independent, but are in fact made up of industry or PR professionals to promote their messages with consumers and the media;
- • Targeting female audiences by trying to coopt female bloggers, elevating female spokespeople and promoting messages to disparage “organic moms” as elitist bullies;
- • Infiltrating social media and creating seemingly independent social media engagement platforms, such as GMO Answers, that are in fact run by industry PR firms;
- • Attacking the credibility of scientists, advocates, consumers and journalists who raise concerns about industrial food production’s methods and impacts;
- • Partnering with prominent media venues on “native advertising” disguised as real news content that promotes industry messages;
- • Using third-party allies to foster an echo chamber of carefully crafted talking points to frame the story of food in favor of chemical intensive industrial food production. We created this guide to help reporters, policymakers, opinion leaders and the public know when sources and “experts” are more focused on promoting corporate interests and messaging than
Some of the good:
- • Certified-organic product sales jumped to more than $35 billion in 2013, up 11.5 percent from 2012, the fastest growth in five years, according to the Organic Trade Association;3
- • Farmers markets in the United States have more than doubled in the past decade, to 8,268 in 2014;4
- • 71 percent of Americans are concerned about biotechnology in food5 according to a 2014 Hartman Organic and Natural Survey, and according to Nielsen research, non-GMO certified products reached over $10 billion in sales in 2014.6
Click on the link above for reports on various groups and their efforts to manipulate the public.
Crazy Examples::
Since 2010, with an initial $180,000 grant from the California
Department of Food and Agriculture, the Alliance has focused
primarily on trying to discredit the EWG’s Shopper’s Guide
to Pesticides in Produce, also known as the “Dirty Dozen”
list, a widely used tool to educate consumers. It has also
targeted Pesticide Action Network’s consumer resource guide,
- OOOOOK. eating GMO, pesticide laiden, JUNK is cool. Yea, good luck with that..
The Dark Act
Humans as an Experiment, as put by a renowned geneticist
Foods the experts won't eat
5 most toxic foods
YEs, this is in your food...
- Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in human gastric epithelial cells in vitro.
- http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/why-food-industry-poisoning-us-trillions-nanoparticles-1
- "You ingest around 100 trillion nanoparticles every day, researchers at Binghamton University and Cornell University say."
- Originally created to be
Link to chronic disease
Aldehyde dehydrogenase variation enhances effect of pesticides associated with Parkinson disease
Link to accumulation in mother-fetus
Study on the link between glyphosate and Chronic disease
w. Cancer
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies
- http://www.researchgate.net/publication/283490944_Glyphosate_pathways_to_modern_diseases_IV_cancer_and_related_pathologies
- http://sustainablepulse.com/2015/11/06/first-review-of-secret-monsanto-studies-shows-glyphosate-cancer-cover-up/#.Vj1xClco5nF
Compositional differences in soybeans on the market: Glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans
Save the Bee's!!
- “Data from this study clearly demonstrated the ubiquity of neonicotinoids in pollen and honey samples that bees are exposed to during the seasons when they are actively foraging across Massachusetts. Levels of neonicotinoids that we found in this study fall into ranges that could lead to detrimental health effects in bees"
- "The new findings suggest that neonicotinoids are being used throughout Massachusetts. Not only do these pesticides pose a significant risk for the survival of honeybees, but they also may pose health risks for people inhaling neonicotinoid-contaminated pollen, Lu said. “The data presented in this study should serve as a basis for public policy that aims to reduce neonicotinoid exposure,”
Monsanto's Dirty Creations
Disgusting what's happened in Argentina::
Review of 343 studies
Yes, even your spices
How important your gut bacteria is
Easy Mistakes Made
Don't be scared to eat your cruciferous veggies
Efforts by companies to keep GMO crops
In this election cycle, for ONLY Washington and Colorado, these companies have spent this much money on making sure GMO labeling remains an unnecessary practice...
First-hand story of a prominent researcher in the industry
The Corporate Take over of Science
Voters want Labeling
Even the NEJM is questioning GMOs
Top Fall Foods!
What about productivity and $$$???
And yes, we can support the world on organically grown food
Monsanto and Bill Gates
Don't be scared to eat your cruciferous veggies
Efforts by companies to keep GMO crops
In this election cycle, for ONLY Washington and Colorado, these companies have spent this much money on making sure GMO labeling remains an unnecessary practice...
- Monsanto: ~$9 mil
- Pepsi: >$3 mil
- Coke: >$2mil
- Kraft: $1.7 mil
- General Mills: $1.5 mil
- Smuckers: $700K
First-hand story of a prominent researcher in the industry
The Corporate Take over of Science
Voters want Labeling
But we need GMOs to feed the world, right?
Countries that have banned GMOs
- Yet we Waste sooooo much food..
- we waste 1.3 billion lbs of food/year.
- this could feed 3 billion people
- nearly 1 billion starving
Countries that have banned GMOs
Not to mention you can avoid supporting modern day slaveryhttp://www.upworthy.com/free-range-organic-fair-trade-all-good-questions-but-heres-one-that-will-blow-you-away?c=tkp1
Even the NEJM is questioning GMOs
Top Fall Foods!
What about productivity and $$$???
And yes, we can support the world on organically grown food
- Avg revenue per acre of a farm that has more than 2,000---> $21.40/acre/year
- 10 acres or smaller--->> $1,060. Many smaller farmers are over $10,000/yearof a farm
- Due to the large scale monocropping
- Much less inefficient
- has to make up for inefficiencies by having a massive farm that has to be mechanized--so only a single crop can be produced as machines can only plant and harvest a single type.
- Small farms don't get subsidies
- The big corporations end up getting subsidized, who can then send crops across the country and the rest of the world at the lowest prices possible.
- "We grow the soil, not the plant." --local farmer
- Taking care of the soil will inevitably result in a healthier plant. One that is more resistant to disease, higher in nutrient levels all across the board, higher in antioxidant levels.
- 1/5 of our fossil fuel consumption goes to the growing, processing, packaging, and shipping of foods.
- 5200 Deaths due to foodborne illnesses/year
- Less than 1% of the population are farmers; farming isn't even an option on the census.
Really cool, progressive stuff!
Start the Debate
Can't I get all my essential nutrients from the foods I eat? Ideally, Yes. In reality, NO. Most of our food is highly processed, toxic, and foreign to our bodies. Nutrient density is at an all time low, even in many "organic" foods. Not only is our food devoid of proper nutrition, but we are encapsulated in a toxic environment; regardless of where you are or how good you think you are at avoiding toxins. We need to take care of our bodies through our lifestyle practices and optimize our body's ability to utilize the food we supply it, and handle the toxins we are exposed to every day. That's where the PROPER supplements can fill this gap and get you on the right track.
People ask me about supplements all the time and I have to make sure they are getting on the proper supplements as most on the store shelves are toxic and on the opposite side of the spectrum of "healthy", which is essential the point of taking a supplement right?
And it's great to know all of you are taking whole food based, organic supplements that don't contain any toxic or allergenic GMO products, casein, soy, gluten, or synthetically manufactured vitamins or additives... RRRRIGHT??? Are you sure you are taking the best possible products?? One's that are not highly toxic to your body and completely negate any health goals you're trying to achieve? This is why I want to give you the opportunity get all your high quality products in the SAME spot!.. without having to rack the shelves at your local co-op trying to find the perfect product, wasting all sorts of time and money. (Speaking from experience..)
We're all unique, in every way, including our nutritional needs. Which is why one size does not fit all when it comes to your supplements. The easiest and quickest way to see what you may need is to take this assessment!
.Let me know if you have any questions my lovely people!
The importance of JUST magnesium. Which has been severely depleted from most food sources, and may be something you could benefit from supplementing.
What your "Experts in Nutrition" are recommending...
We don't want to know where are meat comes from right? Just a big ole cow orgy on our buns is cool.
Studies n whatnot
Start the Debate
Can't I get all my essential nutrients from the foods I eat? Ideally, Yes. In reality, NO. Most of our food is highly processed, toxic, and foreign to our bodies. Nutrient density is at an all time low, even in many "organic" foods. Not only is our food devoid of proper nutrition, but we are encapsulated in a toxic environment; regardless of where you are or how good you think you are at avoiding toxins. We need to take care of our bodies through our lifestyle practices and optimize our body's ability to utilize the food we supply it, and handle the toxins we are exposed to every day. That's where the PROPER supplements can fill this gap and get you on the right track.
People ask me about supplements all the time and I have to make sure they are getting on the proper supplements as most on the store shelves are toxic and on the opposite side of the spectrum of "healthy", which is essential the point of taking a supplement right?
And it's great to know all of you are taking whole food based, organic supplements that don't contain any toxic or allergenic GMO products, casein, soy, gluten, or synthetically manufactured vitamins or additives... RRRRIGHT??? Are you sure you are taking the best possible products?? One's that are not highly toxic to your body and completely negate any health goals you're trying to achieve? This is why I want to give you the opportunity get all your high quality products in the SAME spot!.. without having to rack the shelves at your local co-op trying to find the perfect product, wasting all sorts of time and money. (Speaking from experience..)
We're all unique, in every way, including our nutritional needs. Which is why one size does not fit all when it comes to your supplements. The easiest and quickest way to see what you may need is to take this assessment!
.Let me know if you have any questions my lovely people!
The importance of JUST magnesium. Which has been severely depleted from most food sources, and may be something you could benefit from supplementing.
Does Monsanto have our Best Interests at Heart??
Top Clients Lobbying in 'Agriculture'
-->Notice anything interesting?? Who's running this country anyway?
What your "Experts in Nutrition" are recommending...
The Bogus Practice of Labeling
Two investigative reporters Fired for Exposing MOnSantO
Spot on Bill Maher
In America, you can be armed - just not with the facts
Studies n whatnot
- Teratogenic Effects of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides: Divergence of Regulatory Decisions from Scientific Evidence, Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, M Antoniou, MEM Habib, CV Howard, RC Jennings, C Leifert, RO Nodari, CJ Robinson* and J Fagan
- http://www.smallruminantresearch.com/article/S0921-4488(15)00052-8/abstract
Connection to Mood
GMO Poison : Ticking Time Bomb [Full Documentary]
Are GMOs Causing Major Chronic Diseases - Dr. Jeffrey Smith Lecture at Hippocrates Health Institute
Dr. Smith, at it again..
Neil Young!!
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10 Nasty Fast Food Facts
An overview of the last 10 years of genetically engineered crop safety research
In case you wondered what the rest of the patties and chicken strips are made of: It’s soy.
- The same test was done on the chicken Wendy’s and McDonald’s serve.Wendy’s grilled chicken sandwich averaged 88.5 percent chicken, while McDonald’s Grilled Country Chicken averaged 84.9 percent, according to the findings.
What's in yer McSquirts?
- Mcdonald ingredients