How You are affecting your Genes. Everyday.
Obviously, this is an extremely in-depth topic that deserves an entire book. Here are just some interesting resources I have come across that could be useful, and at the very least, stimulating!
Revolutionizing Study
No Sex Required: Body Cells Transfer Genetic Info Directly Into Sperm Cells, Amazing Study Finds
Do your genetics determine your risk of disease??
Genetic Risk, Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle, and Coronary Disease
Good Info and Studies
Good Info and Studies
Harvard's take on Epigenetics and Cancer
Prenatal environmental exposures, epigenetics, and disease dynamic epigenome and its implications in toxicology.
Epigenetic transgenerational actions of endocrine disruptors.
Epigenetic transgenerational effects of endocrine disruptors on male reproduction.
Scientists Have Observed Epigenetic Memories Being Passed Down For 14 Generations
Yoga and Meditation Can Change Your Genes, Study Says
Environmental epigenetics and effects on male fertility.
Epidemiologic evidence of relationships between reproductive and child health outcomes and environmental chemical contaminants.
Children's Cancer and Environmental Exposures: Professional Attitudes and Practices.
Environmental hazards: evidence for effects on child health.
Environmental factors associated with a spectrum of neurodevelopmental deficits.
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity accounts for anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in rats perinatally exposed to bisphenol A.
- To prevent morning sickness.
- Mother was fine. Children were fine.
- The CHILDREN'S-CHILDREN has tragic deformities, reproductive problems.
Your GENES aren't your Destiny...your lifestyle is!
Still want to blame Genes for Cancer? Then explain this...
Dr. Richard Goldberg, the physician-in-chief and a professor of medicine at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute (very credible)....found that, "Colon cancer is QUITE RARE in Japan, although it's becoming more common as their diet becomes Westernized."
His studies have shown if a MAN or WOMAN lives in Japan, their incidence of Colon Cancer is very rare and as soon as they move to the United States, their risk of Colon Cancer goes up extremely.
Did their GENES change?
No their lifestyle did. Once you begin living the typical Standard American Diet and living the Standard American lifestyle, you INCREASE your risk of Cancer, regardless of Genes....if you have the Genes for colon cancer, you turn them on sooner living the typical American lifestyle!
Your DNA (your genes) isn't your Destiny, your lifestyle is!
~Dr. Chuck Majors
1.2 septillion.. size of family tree, if going all the way back to year Zero, or about 80 generations...
Did their GENES change?
No their lifestyle did. Once you begin living the typical Standard American Diet and living the Standard American lifestyle, you INCREASE your risk of Cancer, regardless of Genes....if you have the Genes for colon cancer, you turn them on sooner living the typical American lifestyle!
Your DNA (your genes) isn't your Destiny, your lifestyle is!
~Dr. Chuck Majors
1.2 septillion.. size of family tree, if going all the way back to year Zero, or about 80 generations...