Your Workout del Dia 13
Day 1
- 15 min to work up to a heavy set of
- 3 push press
- immediately followed by 3 Cleans (full)
- 4 sets of
- Weight pull ups
- Pick an exercise, any exercise
- I'd recommend grabbing a KB or 2!
For Time. PUSH IT!
- 15-12-9
- Thrusters (#115)
- Pull ups
2 minute rest
- 12-9-6
- Thrusters
- Pull ups
2 minute rest
- 9-6-3
- Thrusters
- Pull ups
I'm confused.. There's days you ONLY work on legs??? WTF |
Day 2
Step one: Find a basketball court, or pace off the distance between one end line and the far end line. Be sure to mark the middle.
Step two: Find an accountability partner to workout with (... compete against..) Time to get after it.
- 21-15-9-6-3
- Mountain climbers at the baseline (multiply reps each round by 4. ex: 84, 60, etc)
- Bear Crawl to the center
- Scorpions
- Lunge to the far end line
- Sit ups
- Burpee long jump ALL the way back to the start
Day 3
- 15 minutes to work up to a heavy 2 rep deadlift (#405)
- paired with single arm dumbell row (5 reps/arm) #85-100
- Mobility work
- Piston squats and RDLs with KB
- 12 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
- 5 Chest to bar pull ups
- 10 Deadlifts (#225)
- 15 split squat jumps
- Ascending burpees (1, 2, 3, .... )
(~~8+15 rounds)
Day 4
- 5 Front squats + (2) Jerks
- 8 sets. Starting at about 60% of 1 RPM
Day 5
In groups of three.
- Have one person on the rowing machine AT ALL TIMES
- 250m Row
- Other two switch off cranking out the following:
- 50 Front Squats (#155)
- 55 Hand stand Pushups
- 60 Toe to Bars
- 65 Burpee Box jump overs
- 250 double unders
Day 6
- Work up to a heavy clean and jerk (#225)
- 9 minute AMRAP
- 15 toes to bar
- 10 Deadlift (#115)
- 5 Snatches (#115)
Day 7
- Work up to a heavy 3 rep Deadlift
- 5 sets of
- Dumbell bench (4-6 reps) #105
- Weighted pull ups (6 reps) #35-55
- 21-15-9 for time!
- Deadlift (#225)
- Pull ups
- Burpee box jump (@24")