WOD 8 Get after it!
September 2
1) EMOM 10 min
- Snatch pull to 1 Full Snatch
2) 3-3-3-1-1-1
- Deadlift (Max: 405)
3) Handstand walks/push ups/ holds to 45 sec plank x4
- 800m Run
- 30 Deadlifts (185)
- 30 Wall ball (full squat to high toss) (#30)
2. 400m Run
2. 30 Ring dips
3. 800m Run-
22 minute time cap
My time: 15:03
*** Bonus***
- 3 sets of
- Max ring dip to straight leg raise
- Kettlebell curl to press
- (Light) Dumbell fly
- 3 minutes of various plank positions
- Hand stand walks
September 3
1) Bench (6-6-3-3-3-2) (#275)
2) Push Press (5-5-5)
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
- 3 push press
- 6 Lunges with bar in front rack
- 9 bar facing burpees
- Repeat
- 800m Row
- Repeat 3-6-9 Twice
**Bar facing burpees:
My score: 10+8
September 4
1) Front Squat
- Take 15 min to get to a 3 rep max (#255)
- Work on other skills or mobility btwn sets (Try to get in around 6 or 7 sets)
2) 3x10 Good mornings (#95)
3x45sec Planks, L-sit holds ..
- 15 Hang clean (#135)
- 30 toes to bar
- 30 box jumps (30")
- 15 hang clean
Me: 6:18
**Hang clean--> clean to a full front squat.
September 5
1) 15 minutes to work up to 3 rep max power clean. No rest between reps. 1:30-2 minutes between sets.
2) EMOM for 8 minutes
---> 3-6 chest to bar pull ups Use resistance bands if necessary.
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
20 Minutes
- 200m run
- 30 double unders
- 20 KB swings (#72)
- 10 pull ups
- 5 hand stand push ups
September 6
Water ski, run, hand stands, FUNNNN
- 1 mile run
- 3 sets of
- 15 hanging knee raises
- 12 picnic table jumps
- 50 mtn climbers
- 2 sets of
- 15 two footed mountain climbers (keeping feet together, go side to side, front back, etc)
- 10 squat jumps
- 5 sets of:
- 30-40yd sprint (uphill) right into 5-10 burpees. Jog down. repeat.
September 7