We have been told since we were kids, and now we're telling our kids that 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day...' Sound familiar? Of course!
So, we've got a few things to address...
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day... right??
- Well, that's up for debate.
- For the full story, read my article (along with links to other studies and other worthy articles) at my post about FASTING and Intermittent Fasting.
- For some, NOT eating right away in the morning may be extremely helpful to their overall health! Backwards from what we've been led to believe, but it's hard to market breakfast food if it's not 'critical' to our health!!
- 'Healthy' 'Natural' 'Low fat' 'Low cholesterol' 'Heart healthy' 'Fat burning' 'Gluten free' etc etc
- There are so many flippin' enticing labels out there that could fool anyone into thinking they need these products.
Truth is... most products out there are junk. The others that may be worth getting are expensive, and you could probably make something that's not only cheaper, but probably tastes better too. Our bodies are designed/have evolved/whatever you want to believe, to be healthy, healing, adaptive machines.
Put GOOD in
Get GOOD out
Miraculous how that works eh?
If you are a breakfast person, there are a few things you need to do to make sure you create SUSTAINABLE, healthy habits.
- Drink at least 20oz of water before eating.
- While we sleep, our bodies are repairing, growing, detoxifying, regenerating. Help this essential process along by flushing waste out of the system, rehydrating, and resting the gut a bit before stuffing it with things it needs to break down and assimilate.
- You'll find that you naturally wake up quicker by doing so, and feel better in the morning.
- You'll also notice that you may not be as hungry as you originally thought upon waking up. Same principle applies to times of the day when you think you need a snack.
- 75% of American's are dehydrated, yet at least 2/3 of body is composed of water... so get drinking!!
- And of course, only high quality water. Ideally no tap water.-- and you have to be careful with different bottled water.
- Zest it up a bit and amp up the detoxifying process by adding:
- Warm water with essential oils: Lemon, grapefruit, orange, mix
- Warm water with a tbsp of apple cider vinegar.
- Warm water with a dash of baking soda (Aluminum free, of course)
- Water with spirulina/chlorella
- Wheat grass shot!
- Develop a repertoire of breakfast items that you enjoy, and make you feel good.
- This will make multiple areas of your life simpler and more efficient.
- You will develop an efficient morning routine
- You will grow accustomed to knowing what to get at the grocery store
- You will whip up your favorite dishes without having to burn many neurotransmitters on creating a tasty dish
- Leave yourself with plenty of time in the morning (yes, wake up a little earlier, even if it's an extra 15 min), or prepare something the night before.
- If you're constantly running late, or not leaving yourself enough time to make what you would like to make, your morning gameplan is going to crumble.
- You do NOT want to start your day out in a stressful state anyway.
Breakfast Items to Keep on Hand
Of course, we want to be conscious about quality here. Scary stuff coming from the fields these days... Go organic. Non-GMO. You're worth it. You're family is worth it. I don't get a stipend for saying these things.
- 'Milks'
- Coconut
- Almond
- Hemp
- Nuts n' seeds
- Almond
- Walnut
- Cashew
- Pumpkin
- Chia
- Hemp
- Flax
- Dairy n' eggs
- Pasture raised, organic eggs (Local!)
- Raw, organic, unpasteurized cheese
- Grassfed butter
- Meat
- Turkey bacon (pigs are toxic and dirty... I'll leave it there for now)
- Organic chicken sausage (check for weird fillers, toxic oils and additives)
- Leftovers
- (I avoid meat products until later in the day. You really don't need meat at all times of the day, as I use to believe was the case. It takes a lot to digest and is acidifying, even when coming from a good source. So, back off the meat a bit. You'll save money, reduce your environmental impact, and probably feel better. Win-win-win)
- Veggies
- Lots n lots
- Fruit
- Minimal
- Keep it to low glycemic veggies.
- Berries
- Green Apples
- Pantry
- Grassfed, undenatured Whey Protein
- Organic Vegan protein
- Coconut oil and butter
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla extract
- Salt, pepper, seasonings
- Apple cider vinegar
- Spirulina/chlorella
- Wheat grass
Concepts worth putting into Action
Keep your breakfast relatively
- High in fat
- Moderate in protein,
- (Very) low carbohydrate.
Weird right? Totally contradicts everything you've been told so far...
Fact is, your body runs GREAT off of fat. Fat does not make you fat. Fat does not cause heart disease or atherosclerosis, like you were falsely led to believe. You NEED fat to be healthy. You need fat, to BURN FAT. I've gotten into this in other posts, so I'll leave it there. Just open up your eyes and mind, and keep searching for the truth!
Instead of pumping yourself full of sugar right away in the morning, like most typical 'breakfast' items contain... Fill yourself up with something that will sustain you mentally and physically all day. Pumping your body full of sugars/carbs starts a chain reaction of very undesirable processes. High blood sugar affects every system of the body. When this is an everyday, and for many, every meal occurrence, major problems result.
Corn flakes
Corn flakes