Poll:: "American's have low opinion of Chiropractors"--honesty and Ethics
Gallup Poll: Americans Have Low Opinion of Chiropractors' Honesty and Ethics
Medical Doctors, Five Other Health Occupations Rate Higher
Read the article.
Take a breath.
And take the blinders off.
This is a study that was done and published on a 'Chiropractic' website. Terribly done. Doesn't provide any worthy insight, whatsoever.
- Were the people polled chiropractic patients?
- Had they ever even seen a chiropractor?
- Undoubtedly they have been raised and endowed within a medical model... who is put on the pedestal when it comes to 'health' (moreso sick) care? How many drug commercials is an average individual exposed to throughout the day? Who is it that built the foundations of the medical community? The 'research' that they back their practices by? Hangs out in the back pocket of politicians and policy makers? Just how powerful is this community?
- Like... really? You're going to trust your MD who continues to try to diagnose you with some new condition, slaps another drug or potential for some sort of procedure in your face, and you're cool with that??? Never actually getting to the cause, never getting you to a state of actual health. Keeping you perpetually sick because that's their only solution. Short term, put-a-bandaid-on-it solutions.
- etc etc
I urge you, be careful where you get your info from. The actual solution, based on laws and principles, are easier, and more attainable that you may ever imagine.
More BS
More BS