(Fraction of a post, but there are some great resources to check out!)

There are many ways to go about the practice of detoxing. But first, let's understand what detoxing really means, and why it's an essential part to our health.

Your body is incredibly good at detoxing and there are many systems that support this process.  Obviously, every one of these systems is affected by the lifestyle you lead.  Which is good in a sense that you can absolutely fire up these processes into high gear by incorporating easy, mindless daily routines and lifestyle changes to support this!

Easy things to Swap out for a Cleaner Environment

Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review

Heavy Metal Detox

  • Pretty neat product:
    • "Metal-Free is an oral chelation agent for toxic heavy metals that is entirely natural and is derived from naturally occurring substances.

      The active ingredients in Metal-Free are a collection of unique peptides produced by a process called microfermentation. Beneficial soil and marine bacteria are specially combined in a “nutrient broth” under exact conditions. The peptides are nanometer in size which the body “sees” as nutrients and therefore they penetrate the mucosa easily. Additionally, since the surfaces of the Metal-Free peptides are negatively charged, they are naturally attracted to the positively charged surface of mucosal cells which enhances absorption.

      Once in the tissues, the peptides bind available heavy metals via three bonds (ionic, covalent and hydrogen) virtually removing it from its tissue binding site. Based on this chemical affinity, we have evidence to show that it will pull mercury more effectively than intravenous DMPS + vitamin C, or oral DMSA. These chelators only bond ionically, which is less secure.

      The metals bound by Metal-Free are eliminated from the body almost totally via the bile-bowel route. This is the natural way the body detoxifies heavy metals. Urine levels remain low and the delicate glomerulus of the kidney is not stressed by the detoxification program. The feces or hair are the optimum way to monitor the amount of heavy metals being eliminated by Metal-Free."
We Really Need to get down to the cellular level

Importance of our lymphatic system

Explanation of the system

What Happens to the Body During Detox?

Nobody likes uninvited guests. This includes toxins and pollutants such as heavy metals and pesticides from the air, water, and soil that bombard our bodies every day. Over time, these “guests” can build up and can contribute to mild issues such as brain fog, tiredness, aches, and skin complaints.1,2 This is when it is important to understand the three phases of your body’s natural detoxification processes. Here’s what that looks like:

Phase I: Reaction 

In the first phase of metabolic detoxification, your body reacts to toxins by using enzymes (known as P450 enzymes)3 that act to turn the toxins into free radicals. This is a good thing: Free radicals are a natural occurrence that, when balanced, should not be an issue; it is when free radicals become imbalanced that they are considered an issue. Through this conversion process, toxins become water-soluble molecules that are easier for your body to get rid of via the kidneys (and eventually through the urine).3

Phase II: Neutralization

Welcome to the activation phase of detox! After Phase I, some toxins are rendered as more reactive than before. In Phase II, these products are attached to other water-soluble substances to increase their solubility and make them easier to eliminate through urine or bile.3 This process is called a conjugation reaction, and requires cofactors (metal ions or coenzymes) to make it happen.3

Phase III: Transportation

Like a ferry that brings cars and people from Point A to Point B, the transporters of Phase III help ensure the water-soluble compounds created in Phases I and II are excreted from your cells. Before this occurs, Phase III neutralizes the compounds and binds them with dietary fiber. From here, it’s literally a flush when the toxins are excreted.3

  1. Goldman RH et al. The occupational and environmental health history. 1981 Dec 18;246(24):2831-6.
  2. Nelson et al. 2011.
  3. Liska D. The Detoxification Enzyme Systems. Altern Med Rev.1998 Jun;3(3):187-98.
  4. Infographic: The 3 Phases of Detoxification. Metagenics Institute. Available at: Accessed August 30, 2018.

Good general articles

Carl Neubauer Nutri-Dyn
Co-Founder | Functional Medicine Consultant

Importance of Cleansing 

Great general info and some general protocols

Daily detox

Clean up your home! 

  • The air inside your house can be significantly more toxic than that of the air outside ... even in a city! (Some studies showing as high as 10X!)

Activated Charcoal

From Dr. Jockers

  • Absorbency 
    • "Lacking the presence of oxygen, charcoal is produced from exposing coconut husk or wood to high heat and burning it to produce millions of pores in the charcoal debris"
    • can take in outside materials weighing more than 100 times its own weight. 


Chlorella and Cilantro

Colon cleanse (with flax seed meal)

IMD heavy metal Intestinal Cleanse: Quicksilver

 Best Foods for your Liver

Fermented foods: Fermented foods like cultured vegetables provide your body with beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and provide detoxification support. The fermented food kimchi, for instance, has been found to help your body break down pesticides.
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, and daikon): These help your liver neutralize toxins, including chemicals, pesticides, medications, and carcinogens.
Dark green leafy vegetables (kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and dandelion greens):These contain rich amounts of sulfur, which helps your liver with detoxification. Dandelion greens in particular are known for supporting liver detoxification and health.
Sea vegetables: Various types of seaweed and brown algae also support detoxification and may also help prevent your body from absorbing heavy metals and other environmental toxins. Be sure the sea vegetables come from a non-polluted water source.
Sprouts: Sprouts contain high levels of enzymes that serve as catalysts for important body functions. Recent research suggests that broccoli sprouts may help your body detox environmental pollutants such as benzene.6 From my perspective, broccoli, watercress, and sunflower sprouts are foods that virtually everyone can and would benefit from growing.
Garlic, onions, shallots, and leeks: These foods are rich in sulfur, including the sulfur-based compound allicin, which is critical for liver detoxification.
Organic, pastured eggs: Eggs are a high-quality source of protein that includes all eight essential amino acids. Your liver needs these to help detoxify your body. Choline, found in egg yolks, also helps protect your liver from toxins.
Artichokes: These contain cynarin and silymarin, which support liver health.
Mushrooms: Maitake, shiitake, and reishi mushrooms are known for their potent immunosupportive agents and also contain L-ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant to help neutralize free radicals.
Berries: Berries are rich in phytochemicals, including anthocyanin, which might inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells.
Coconut oil: This healthy saturated fat is so easy for your body to digest that no pancreatic fat-digesting enzymes are needed. This puts less stress on your liver and helps it function optimally.
Avocados: These contain healthy monounsaturated fat, oleic acid, and glutathione, which is important for liver health.
Organic, unrefined, cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil: High-quality olive oil contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help your liver decrease oxidative stress in your body (consume this oil unheated).
Flax seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds: These contain plant-based omega-3 fats to fight inflammation along with healthy fiber.
Herbs: Many herbs support liver detoxification and function. This includes ginger, cumin, coriander, cardamom, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, fennel, and turmeric (curcumin).
Organic, grass-fed meat: By avoiding meat raised on confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and instead choosing grass-fed meat exclusively, you’ll help avoid pesticides, chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics that further tax your liver.
Wild-caught sardines, anchovies, and salmon: These provide anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. You can also find these in krill oil.
Whey protein powder: Whey protein provides the amino acids necessary for glutathione production, which is essential for liver protection and function. Choose organic whey protein from grass-fed cows.
Spirulina: This blue-green algae is a potent detoxifier. Animal studies suggest spirulina can also protect your liver, probably as a result of its high antioxidant properties and its ability to synthesize or release nitric oxide.

Dr. Dan Pompa.. again

Detox yer pits


  • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1-2 teaspoons of water (to get right consistency)


  1. Mix all of the ingredients in a glass bowl (do not use metal!) with a wooden or non-metal spoon until about the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Spread in an even layer over the armpits and allow to sit for 5-20 minutes. I suggest starting slowly and working up to a longer period of time once you see how your body adjust. If it hurts at all, remove immediately.
  3. This may cause some redness as it will increase blood-flow to the area, but it will go away quickly.
  4. Wash off in the shower or with a warm, wet washcloth.
  5. Repeat daily or as needed until under-arm odor goes away and natural deodorant is non-irritating 

Nightly Detox: Cleanse yer Colon

  • A handful of parsley
  • 100 ml of kefir
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp of grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp of flaxseed flour
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp of vinegar

Add all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.

Roach Killer

Borax Balls

This recipe (which is even acknowledged by pest control companies) uses boric acid powder, which is pretty safe to keep around humans and pets, but terrible news for cockroaches. Boric acid will damage the skeleton of the cockroach, dehydrate it, and works like a poison. You will see it begin to work within 24-72 hours. The process as a whole will probably take 3-4 weeks. (1,6)

Materials Needed

  • Raw Egg Yolk
  • 30-50 grams of Boric Acid Powder (or borax or boric powder acid)
  • You also need some latex gloves

What to Do

  1. Mix the egg yolk and boric acid powder (or alternative) together well.
  2. Put your handy gloves on.
  3. Make small round balls out of the mixture while maintaining 1 cm diameters.
  4. In an hour, you will probably find them completely dry. Now they are ready to use.

Key Steps

In order for these to work most effectively, it is important to take certain other measures too.
I am including key tips from in our procedure. First, we have to make sure the cockroaches don’t have access to any food particles. We need to clean our spaces of any food particles.(6)
After this, we need to take care of our water pipes and other areas with water. We want to make sure there isn’t any water standing around that cockroaches may feel drawn too, nor that our pipes are leaking. We also want to make sure the pipes have proper insulation so that moisture doesn’t condense on them.(6)

Detoxing yer Home


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