Living out the 5 Essentials for TRUE Health
Most people tend to just want the answers, straight up with no explanations. So, I decided to compile a list of easy things to incorporate into their warplan. And I'll restrain from giving explanations, as dreadful as that will be for me. My other posts will have explanations, or links to further explain many of the concepts that I list.
But first....
Didn't think you were going to get away that easy did ya??
To be healthy, what does it truly mean? Something different to all of us, I'm sure. Most of us don't think about it on a daily basis, some of us have never even considered it. Sadly, many of us do not develop an appreciation for this concept until it's too.... late. When we have lost our health. Which holds true with most diseases and chronic conditions. Most think if you feel good, you must be healthy. Makes sense right?? Sorry, but NO. And this mode of thought may be one of the most dangerous No one intends to have a heart attack, no one intends to develop diabetes, no one intends to battle cancer, obviously. Most conditions take many years to manifest as your body is incredibly good at adapting, even when we put it through the most horrific stresses. It is commonly accepted that cancer tends to take at least 8 years to develop before being detectable by even the most sophisticated methods. The vast majority of people diagnosed with heart disease are not labeled until they have a heart attack, and half of those people never live to receive that stamp. But that heart attack didn't come out of no where. Same applies to the majority of the ever increasing list of chronic diseases that have arisen in the past century (and in particular, the past couple decades). The crazier part? Most of these people would walk in and out of a docs office with test results that are about "normal" and a pat on the back for being "healthy".
So what went wrong??
Well, if you take a look at the word healthy, the answer is right there. HEALthy.
Your body, and everything that comprises it, is meant to heal, and needs to heal; it is an incredible self-maintaining, self-healing- self-developing piece of machinery that will do so given no interference.
Interference to healing processes can come in a combination of Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins. -->Stress/psychological issues, toxins, lack of real food, lack of movement and exercise, and a compromised nervous system.
As much as I would love to break down every one of these, I'll skip right to the things to do to drastically transform your health. It's all one step at a time, you have to learn to love these changes and cement them as lifestyle habits. Then reap the benefits and never stop striving to be healthy and happy. You deserve it. Along with everyone around you. And then the rest of the world. So share your story and guide those around you! Each and every one of us has a purpose to serve, but it's tough to serve your purpose and enjoy life to the fullest when your sick, suffering, and dying! You may think I'm extreme, but talk to anyone who has lost their health and they will not hesitate to agree.
Regardless: You will feel better and better, every single day you commit to implementing these simple practices into your life. You'll reap the benefits from day 1, and will continue to exponentially help you throughout the rest of your life. It won't be easy, you may revolt, you will slip up, but celebrate your victories and continually progress towards your goals. You can absolutely change, transform, and create the life you want to live.
EMBRACE the journey that will lead to RESULTS, which will be your REWARD.
EMBRACE the journey that will lead to RESULTS, which will be your REWARD.
Living the 5 Essentials
EVERYTHING starts with your MINDSET!!!
1) Positivity, confidence, determination, purpose
Where it all starts!
Yes, short term goals can be achieved with will-power and some discipline. BUT, will these achievements withstand the stressors of daily life? Will they withstand deep desires? Will they withstand in spite of a lack of purpose??
Develop your BIG WHY, and you will succeed, beyond all expectations.
VISION power VS WILL power
---> What will lead you to victory??
Want to lose 20 lbs? Be more limber and flexible? Get rid of pain and disease(s)? Have more energy? Well, obviously, but WHY?
think about it...
think about it...
Now you got it, annnnnd hold on to it. Take it with you, and let it guide you day in, day out, everywhere you go, anyone you encounter.
Can literally kill you. OR it can be your best friend! It's all perspective. You can't escape it, but you can manage it, and even use it to propel you in a positive direction and accomplish more than you thought was possible!! If you want to learn more about the effects of stress, from a physicians point of view, look up Dr. Lisa Rankin (she's awesome!)
Other emotional baggage: Recognize it. Take the necessary steps to cope, demolish, or smooth over. You're human! It's ok! But make the best of it and live the life you deserve.
The easiest way to truly nail down a healthy nutrition regime is to buy foods that contain only a single ingredient. Woah. Nuts right? Then you add all these one ingredient things together and BOOM, a full meal.
Even when we think we're "low carb" it's easy to to get carried away with things like smoothies, which most people tend to load with all sorts of fruits and sugars. It's definitely possible to make a low-glycemic smoothie that tastes awesome! Just takes a little guidance and experimentation.
For example:: Smoothies & Chia Seed Pudding
Can literally kill you. OR it can be your best friend! It's all perspective. You can't escape it, but you can manage it, and even use it to propel you in a positive direction and accomplish more than you thought was possible!! If you want to learn more about the effects of stress, from a physicians point of view, look up Dr. Lisa Rankin (she's awesome!)
Other emotional baggage: Recognize it. Take the necessary steps to cope, demolish, or smooth over. You're human! It's ok! But make the best of it and live the life you deserve.
Easy things to do daily!
~Positive affirmations
~Scare the bear
~Practices to cope with stress
~Creating/Sticking to a war plan
~Scare the bear
~Practices to cope with stress
~Creating/Sticking to a war plan
~Eat the frog in the morning
~Establishing a highly functioning state right away in the morning
~Journal, blog, share your story
~Stay connected with your passions
~Reconnect with your purpose
~Establishing a highly functioning state right away in the morning
~Journal, blog, share your story
~Stay connected with your passions
~Reconnect with your purpose
~Read/listen/watch something inspirational, motivational.
~Reconnect with a friend, family member
~Call your mother
~Reconnect with a friend, family member
~Call your mother
~etc etc etc
Do you, be you, reconnect with that inner you and let it shine!
One of the easiest ways to gain confidence, positive affirmations, and psychological support.. etc etc... dish out compliments and positive thoughts to others, they'll come right back at you :)
2) Nervous System
It's the most important thing you've got! So take care of it!
- Get your spine checked by a Chiropractor (I personally believe you should seek out a chiro that provides true corrective spinal care)
- GO to your chiro. Consistently. Please.
- Home exercises and spinal hygiene
- Denner roll, sleeper rolls
- Posture and Proper Ergonomics
- Doing the other 4 essentials will support the health of your nervous system!
The spine is designed to protect the most important system of our body. The power that made the body, heals the body. Could not be more concisely stated, yet loaded with nothing but TRUTH.
The innate potential that resides within your brain, which flows to the rest of the body, is perfectly designed. It can never be re-created, quantified, or understood. What we do know is... any interference to the normal functioning of this system, results in dysfunction. The best way to unleash this innate potential, and continue to reap the benefits of having an optimally functioning nervous system, is to seek out chiropractic care. And in my opinion, a chiropractor that practices corrective care based chiropractic.
The innate potential that resides within your brain, which flows to the rest of the body, is perfectly designed. It can never be re-created, quantified, or understood. What we do know is... any interference to the normal functioning of this system, results in dysfunction. The best way to unleash this innate potential, and continue to reap the benefits of having an optimally functioning nervous system, is to seek out chiropractic care. And in my opinion, a chiropractor that practices corrective care based chiropractic.
3) Nutrition
The easiest way to truly nail down a healthy nutrition regime is to buy foods that contain only a single ingredient. Woah. Nuts right? Then you add all these one ingredient things together and BOOM, a full meal.
Get Creative !!
- Clean animal products
- Grass-fed, pasture raised, organically fed, no hormones or antibiotics animal products (same with dairy, although I'd challenge you to give it up!)
- Eggs from pasture raised chickens
- Wild-caught fish
- Bone broth
- Fermented dairy
- Why eat a sick animal anyway?
Avoid: Pork, processed, preservative/additive/hormone/antibiotic/etc etc filled meats
More on Proteins: Low Down on PROTEIN
A study on why too many cooked things could be detrimental to your health
More on Proteins: Low Down on PROTEIN
A study on why too many cooked things could be detrimental to your health
- Clean Fats
- Avocados
- Nuts
- Coconut
- Clean meats, fish, eggs, raw dairy
- Great to cook with:
- Coconut
- Grapeseed (not ideal..)
- Grassfed butter
- Great to use as is:
- Olive
- Avocado
Cut the Sugar
Clean up the Produce
- Highly inflammatory-- disrupts your body's innate ability to heal and function optimally. Leads to all sorts of
Clean up the Produce
---->lots n lots of 'em
Organic, local, and as fresh as possible (Farmers market!!)
- Look at my shopping list above. What to get, where to get it.
- Preparing your food.
Aim for 75% raw, 25% cooked/steamed. Raw foods earlier in the day, Cooked at night.
How to prepare yer veggies: Guide to Preparing Veggiez
How to prepare yer veggies: Guide to Preparing Veggiez
Get the necessary organically grown types (Reference the EWG "Dirty Dozen")
Limit to a minimal amount (1 to 2 servings/day.. or even try giving it up for a bit!)
--->After giving this a try for a month or so, gauge how you're feeling, then add in more if you so desire.
--->After giving this a try for a month or so, gauge how you're feeling, then add in more if you so desire.
Low glycemic fruits
Granny smith apples
Even when we think we're "low carb" it's easy to to get carried away with things like smoothies, which most people tend to load with all sorts of fruits and sugars. It's definitely possible to make a low-glycemic smoothie that tastes awesome! Just takes a little guidance and experimentation.
For example:: Smoothies & Chia Seed Pudding
Yes, they should be supplemental to your diet, but they can play a major role in getting your body back into a healthy state. But, they need to be the right ones for YOU.
At the very least they should be extremely high quality: From whole food sources, organic with no GMO ingredients, NO weird additives/derivatives/toxins/etc. minimally processed, highly bio-available, etc etc. Some great products out there, you just need to know where to look!
At the very least they should be extremely high quality: From whole food sources, organic with no GMO ingredients, NO weird additives/derivatives/toxins/etc. minimally processed, highly bio-available, etc etc. Some great products out there, you just need to know where to look!
- Personally message me for some direction! Would love to help :)
- Or, if you are ready to transform your health now, while saving a few bucks, just take your individualized assessment and set yourself up with the supplements your body needs!
Load up on the herbs, spices, and other superfoods!
--Examples of these are in the shopping list. I use spices the majority of the time I cook. High quality spices are ideal as they have the greatest retention of their superb benefits. And the benefits are endless. So get creative. Be diverse. Spice it up!
--Examples of these are in the shopping list. I use spices the majority of the time I cook. High quality spices are ideal as they have the greatest retention of their superb benefits. And the benefits are endless. So get creative. Be diverse. Spice it up!
Shoot for 75% Raw, 25% cooked/steamed
Guide to Preparing Veggiez
- Steaming.. is your best bet. Don't overdo it. Most things should only be steamed for 5-10 minutes to retain the best nutrient density.
- Roasting... Lower temps (350). Use good oils to cook/protect foods (coconut, grapeseed, grassfed butter)
- Grilling... avoid charring (toxic carcinogens are produced). Lower temps. Lightly cook red meats (all meats should be more or less sterile. poor conditions is what creates sick conditions that harvest an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria, like salmonella)
- Sauteing.. use coconut oil, grassfed butter, or grapeseed oil. NOT "vegetable" oil, olive oil, canola oil
- Micro?
- I wouldn't advise killing your food. lots of controversial things out there. For and against. I personally believe it's best to only use the microwave as a storage compartment
Where people go wrong...
-Falling for cleverly advertised "health" goods... "all natural" "gluten-free" "low fat"
-getting obssessed with something and mowing down loads of it every meal
-Too much protein
-Too much snacking
-Overdoing it with a particular food. Moderation is still in effect.
-Overdoing it with a particular food. Moderation is still in effect.
-Hidden sugars
-Not spending the extra buck for the right organic produce or properly raised animal products
-Getting stuck with other false impressions (Fat, cholesterol, carbs, #meals, timing of meals)
-Coconut oil
-Coffee! (whole, green bean coffee)
-Fermented drinks
-Chia/hemp/flax seeds
-Bone broth
-Herbs and Spices
-GOOD water
-Herbs and Spices
-GOOD water
Now to get creative!!
4) Exercise
A genetic requirement for health, for life. Everyday.
- NOT doing so is an ABNORMAL event. Down to the cellular level.
Any type of movement or exercise will trump none (40% of American's get absolutely none... )
To crush your goals and previous results, there is a form of exercise that will get you here and provide more benefits that we can quantify.
Metabolic conditioning
- Why it's the most efficient AND effective way to utilize your time and energy
In order to remove the interference that inhibits the body from healing and functioning as it should, we must avoid toxins that hinder this necessary process.
Every one of the previously mentioned essentials will ultimately lead to your body naturally detoxifying, but there are absolutely ways to speed up the process!
Every one of the previously mentioned essentials will ultimately lead to your body naturally detoxifying, but there are absolutely ways to speed up the process!
Avoiding toxins is an awesome first step. Eliminating some major sources of toxins that you unknowingly, yet self inflict yourself with.
Consistently eating well, exercising, reducing psychological stressors, and freeing your nervous system of interference will combine to significantly contribute to the detoxification process. BUT, we can't escape from all toxins in this highly toxic world. We have been exposed, and will continue to be exposed to all sorts of foreign toxics compounds. Practicing other detoxification practices will inevitably have a massive positive impact.
So I've been congruent with cleaning up my lifestyle...
- Oil pulling
- Literally, just swishing a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 15 minutes everyday can do WONDERS for your overall health, and of course for those pearly whites.
- Dry brushing
- Before you hop in the shower, use a brush, or even a towel to somewhat vigourously scrub off those old, dead skin cells.
- Get a shower filter.
- Sante Filters
- If no filter: Limit the time you're in the shower. At least avoid long, hot showers as this leads to a cascading effect of inducing an optimal state at which your body absorbs toxins.
- Sauna
- Fasting
- Fluctuating water temps in the shower
- Essential oils (ONLY go with doTERRA or YoungLiving)
- I use a few quite often. Therapeutic grade oils are powerful!
- Organic coffee (find unroasted, shade grown, fair-trade, green beans!)
- Organic teas
- Apple cider vinegar
- Mixing just a tablespoon or two is enough to reap the benefits.
- Many many many different herbs and spices all have their own unique detoxifying effects
- Tumeric, ginger, rosemary, garlic, milk thistle, cinnamon.
- Foods
- Just eating the foods we are meant to eat will aid in a natural detoxifying process while providing antioxidants to effectively do so.
- Sulfur rich foods
- Red onions, cruciferous veggies
- Glutathione enhancing foods
- One of our most powerful, naturally produced enzymes in our body.
- Grass-fed whey protein, free range eggs, raw cheese, avocados, sulfurous foods, herbs n spices.
- Just go organic! (and local if possible!)
- Stick with an Anti-inflammatory diet
- Processed foods, grains, sugar, bad fats, meat from sick animals, etc.. will only hinder the detoxification process and keep you from obtaining your goals.
- Inflammation is linked to literally every disease known, so why not just cut it out!
- Juice your own veggies
- Establish/maintain a healthy gut
- Fermented foods and drinks
- Gut motility (fibrous foods, chia/flax seeds, etc)
- Probiotics (HAS to be high quality)
- WATER, good water.
- Absolutely essential for your body to rid of toxins and establish a healthy environment to thrive.
- Sums it All up
- Enemas (oh yea, I went there, although I can't say I have a whole lot of experience...)
- Download the "SkinDeep" app by the environmental working group.
- Scan the labels of most products to unveil the potential harmful toxins.
- Get some SUN!!
- Not only will you notice the difference right away, but the natural Vit D that your body will synthesize will have a cascading effect on every system of your body. Not to mention the psychological effects of getting some fresh air and sun.
- Which requires you to get outside. It sounds nuts, but your home is most likely more toxic than being outside. In a city. Yea, nuts.
- Remove common personal or household items that are a constant source of toxins.
- Plenty of alternatives out there!
- Many other ways, head out and search for some that stick with you!
Of course, supplementation can have a dramatic effect on this process. The RIGHT supplementation. Which doesn't just help the body detox, but also provides the ground substances to maintain and build healthy tissues and aid in every physiological process.
Please, don't settle for the cheap, the gimmicky, the
So I've been congruent with cleaning up my lifestyle...
--I feel tired, achy, tired, headaches, etc etc
--Not getting results as quickly as I would like with all this damn work I'm putting in!!
--My skin hasn't cleared up
--I lost weight
--I gained weight
--My friend said I should be...
--I heard on Dr. Oz that...
--My skin hasn't cleared up
--I lost weight
--I gained weight
--My friend said I should be...
--I heard on Dr. Oz that...
You're going through completely normal processes as your physiology and neurology adjust to these changes. Your body is constantly fluctuating through different states of homeostasis and will express health as long as you provide the right materials and remove any interference to the process of health and healing. Think about it, you've probably been assaulting your body for many, many years (even without knowing it!) and you have finally taken the steps to treat it right. Some changes will happen immediately; others will continually develop over time; and others will even fluctuate from week to week, month to month. There are many different factors at play here. And that is part of the journey to getting well, and staying well. So get your mindset right, and stick with what you know to be true. What you perceive as TRUE health. It will only benefit you in the short AND long term.
Give up the microwave!
--You'll get use to it, I promise.
45 Reasons to Live out the 5 Essentials
Eating insects?? I think it's genius!
Dean Ornish. MD
Give up the microwave!
--You'll get use to it, I promise.
45 Reasons to Live out the 5 Essentials
Eating insects?? I think it's genius!
Dean Ornish. MD